Xi Jinping consolidates his power

The countdown has begun. One year before his XXe Congress, scheduled for fall 2022, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) is holding, from November 8 to 11, the sixth plenum of its central committee, a body that has about 350 members. During the five years between two Congresses, the Party holds seven plenums, the sixth traditionally being devoted to ideology. But, exceptionally, Xi Jinping will, this time, pass a resolution on the history of the Party which should further consolidate its power during this crucial year for the rest of his career.

Everything suggests that, unlike his predecessors since Mao Zedung, Xi Jinping will seek to stay in power for more than ten years and will therefore seek to be re-elected in 2022. The weariness that seems to emanate from his heavy footsteps and his tired look is deceptive. Already Secretary General of the CPC since 2012, President of the Republic and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the question is whether he will seek in 2022 to re-establish – and, of course, occupy – the presidency of the party, a post abolished in 1982 Under Deng Xiaoping, six years after Mao’s disappearance, the CCP leadership had indeed seen fit to abolish this post to prevent any leader from having exorbitant powers and placing himself above the party. As the “great helmsman” had done.

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Before Xi, only Mao Zedong in 1945 and Deng Xiaoping in 1981 had a resolution on the history of the Party approved. The first was to establish its legitimacy and rule out any criticism before marching on Beijing for the final victory. Deng, meanwhile, wanted to take stock of his predecessor – 70% positive according to him – in order to better turn the page on Maoism and modernize the country.

No self-criticism

The resolution presented by Xi Jinping has not yet been officially made public, but the general tenor is known nonetheless. Unlike the previous two, it focuses less on the past than on the future. Far from recognizing any errors, the Party intends to rely on its past achievements to better prepare for the future.

In August, the political bureau gave three reasons for the presentation of this resolution: “A review of the main achievements (…) accomplished by the Party during its hundred years of efforts is necessary to fully build a modern socialism. (…) It is also necessary to support the central position of Secretary General Xi Jinping. (…) The whole Party should try to understand the reasons for the success of the CCP during the past hundred years and how it can ensure success in the future, following the principle of historical materialism and through a correct perspective of the history of the Party. PCC. “

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