Yeliz Koc and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht: The couple have a daughter

Yeliz Koc and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht
The couple have a daughter

Yeliz Koc has revealed the gender of her baby.

© imago images / Gartner

Yeliz Koc and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht have betrayed the baby gender. The expectant mother posed for the camera with balloons.

With two Instagram posts Yeliz Koc (27) and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht (29) revealed the gender of their baby. The two photos show the influencer beaming with joy with a wreath of flowers in her hair and pink balloons in her hand. Not only the color, but also the inscription on a balloon (“It’s a Girl”) gives it away: The couple is expecting a girl.

In mid-August of last year, the influencer and ex-“Bachelor” candidate and the actor, singer and presenter appeared on Instagram and made their relationship public. In February 2021, they announced the pregnancy.

At the end of April, Yeliz Koc revealed that the couple no longer wanted to live in Berlin, but in Hanover. “I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to our own garden. I’m looking forward to putting money aside and paying less rent. I’m looking forward to the large rooms we have there,” she said in an Instagram story . But after “one, two, three years” it should go back to Berlin – “preferably to a house.”
