“You are given everything” – Britney Spears insults her sister in angry tweet


After Britney unfollowed her little sister on Instagram, she shot Jamie Lynn via Twitter. The dispute is preceded by an emotional TV interview.

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Britney Spears (40, picture) recently shot her sister Jamie Lynn on Twitter. This after the 30-year-old spoke out about the broken relationship between the two in a TV interview.


Britney Spears also unfollowed Jamie Lynn on Instagram.  She accuses her sister of not supporting her during their years-long guardianship dispute.

Britney Spears also unfollowed Jamie Lynn on Instagram. She accuses her sister of not supporting her during their years-long guardianship dispute.


Jamie Lynn first spoke publicly about her big sister's guardianship in June 2021.

Jamie Lynn first spoke publicly about her big sister’s guardianship in June 2021.


  • Jamie Lynn Spears (30) will soon publish her memoirs.

  • She recently presented her new book on a US television show – and also spoke about her sister Britney Spears (40).

  • The pop singer didn’t seem to like that at all. She shot at her little sister on Twitter.

  • Shortly thereafter, Jamie Lynn published a statement on Instagram and agreed to forgiving tones.

The Spears family feud is entering the next round: On Wednesday morning, Jamie Lynn Spears (30) gave an interview on the US television show “Good Morning America” ​​to promote her new book. The former “Zoey 101” actress also spoke about her sister Britney – and reported in tears about the broken relationship with the pop icon.

Apparently that didn’t go down well with the singer. The 40-year-old shot her little sister via Twitter on Thursday and wrote about the TV appearance: “She said I was out of control at the time. But at that time 15 years ago she was hardly with me. So why would she talk about it if not to promote her new book at my expense?”

“My family disgusts me”

But that’s not all. Britney also wrote that she had to work hard for everything in her life, while everything was given to her little sister. “She never had to work for anything! Everything was just put in her lap! », the singer raged.

Britney also alludes to her younger sister’s performances with remixed versions of her own music, which was also discussed in the TV interview. “I wrote a lot of my songs myself, but my sister was a baby,” Britney admitted.

Towards the end of the tweet, the singer shot at the entire Spears family. “My family ruined my dreams. And now they’re trying to make me look like a madman while I’m in bed with a fever and can’t move,” said the 40-year-old. And further: “My family loves to pull me down and hurt me. I’m disgusted with them.”

“None of this is true”

Jamie Lynn didn’t just let her sister’s Twitter post go. The actress also posted an emotional statement on Instagram, emphasizing how difficult it was for her to read such a post. “None of what Britney writes is true,” she wrote. She wanted to set things right because her own family was receiving death threats over her sister’s “vague and accusatory posts.”

“Brit I’m always here, you know I’ve always been here behind the scenes,” she wrote. In addition, her book will not primarily be about Britney. Finally, Jamie Lynn concludes, “I can’t help the fact that I was also born Spears and some of my experiences involve my famous sister.”

Sister Jamie Lynn wants reconciliation

Britney Spears recently unfollowed her sister on Instagram. Jamie Lynn, on the other hand, continues to follow the 40-year-old. In June, after Britney first broke her silence about her struggles for guardianship, she took to Instagram to express her support. In October, a source close to Jamie Lynn assured E! News” that she “continues to support her sister behind the scenes and work on their relationship.”

However, an anonymous insider close to Britney told the portal that the singer was “very, very angry and hurt” and “feels like Jamie Lynn has completely let her down. They’ve been best friends for so long and everything for each other.”

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