You are not alone! 5 problems that almost all couples have at some point

1. The story has no happy ending

The nice thing about films is that after the wedding and because of me, a nice dialogue afterwards, the end credits run. In real life, weddings and nice dialogues usually result in less nice dialogues at some point. Sometimes real crises. And then hopefully good times again … Accepting these ups and downs is one of the challenges that all couples are probably familiar with.

2. Something is missing and it will always be missing

It may be a preference in bed that the partner does not share, or simply the insight that the ex was somehow much more romantic … whatever it is, there is something missing with every partner. You have to get over it first and that can be difficult.

3. Is walking or staying self-deception?

The first crisis will come, that's for sure. But how do you deal with it? At some point, everyone is probably wondering if you are more likely to lie in your pocket if you hold onto the relationship or if you would regret having given up your partner too quickly. Not that easy … But this is a question that every partner will have to ask himself sooner or later in every relationship. And unfortunately there is no perfect answer.

4. Shine and glory suffocate from overtime, diapers or the big questions of life

We not only mean – but also – the shine of the fresh relationship, but also our own, which sometimes loses some radiance. Sometimes we just don't feel comfortable in our skin, in our role, in the life we ​​lead. And that always rubs off on the relationship. Or we don't like the other in a new role. Maybe he does a lot wrong in her eyes as a father, or he thinks that she suddenly takes her job too seriously. Further development is always change and sometimes we don't like it.

5. Never butterflies again?

Actually known as "Midlife Crisis", but sometimes the nostalgia comes over us after a very fresh fall in love much younger or only when we retire. The "That-should-be-it-now-feeling" rarely attacks both at the same time, but cruelly usually only one. This is not only a problem for the actually satisfied partner, it also does not feel nice for the nostalgic. Because firstly you have to make a decision and secondly you feel like a betrayer of your own ideals. What can help a little? The thought that even after really boring times you can usually find a few butterflies again if you try a little to find …