“You’re shit”: furious with his guest and ex-columnist, Cyril Hanouna demolishes him live

On the TPMP set, this Thursday, November 10, 2022, the tone rose between Cyril Hanouna and his guest, Louis Boyard.

Viewers have rarely seen Cyril Hanouna so pissed off on the set of Do not touch My TV. This Thursday, November 10, the presenter of C8 wanted to get his columnists to react to a subject that made the news during the day: the reception of the Ocean Viking boat in France. The question posed in TPMP was: “Should we welcome the boat of 234 migrants in France?”. In order to discuss this very difficult subject, Juliette Briens, a right-wing influencer and Louis Boyard, elected deputy in the third constituency of Val-de-Marne in 2022 under the label of La France insoumise were invited.

But now the politician has somewhat launched hostilities, pointing the finger at the boss of the Vivendi group, holder of the Canal Group, and therefore of C8 : “Today in France, you have 5 people who own as much as 27 million people. These 5 richest people are the same people who are impoverishing France and impoverishing Africa. I will give the example of Bolloré who deforested Cameroon”, he says in front of a Cyril Hanouna, shocked by the remarks he has just heard.

Cyril Hanouna raises his voice

The presenter of C8 then starts with a quarter turn: “Excuse me my darling, you know that you are in the Canal group, here. You are in the Bolloré group, here. What are you doing here then? Bolloré gave you money since you were a columnist here”, he blurted, furious. Faced with this response, Louis Boyard, red with anger, replied: “Are you telling me that I have no right to say publicly that Bolloré has a lawsuit against 150 Cameroonians because he deforested”, his guest gets carried away.

Cyril Hanouna: “Did you come here to show off?”

Faced with the deputy’s response, Cyril Hanouna launches: “If you have the right, but in this case, boycott the channel. You came here to be smart? Remind me, where were you a columnist?”, referring to his participation in the show Balance your post. And even in the face of this remark, the deputy persists and signs: “Cyril, are you telling an MP he can’t say anything on TV because the guy owns the channel?”. Gradually, the discussion escalates. “It’s you who is making a splash, you’re telling an elected representative of the republic…”launches Louis Boyard, without managing to finish since Cyril Hanouna cuts him off: “Stop telling it to yourself, elected, elected, I don’t give a damn that you’re elected. You think you’re coming here and you’re going to talk to me badly. You think I’m afraid of you?” .

The insults fuse

Cyril Hanouna gets carried away : “Go to a group where you have more freedom than here. You don’t even have freedom in the National Assembly. As soon as you speak, he shuts your mouth”. The deputy of La France Insoumise drives the point home: “You are irresponsible and you are hurting France. You are raising racism in France, we don’t even have the right to criticize Bolloré on your channel”. The presenter of TPMP have not finished with him: “You make racism rise, you suck. I come here, I do my job, I entertain people every night and talk to them about current events. You are shit. You come here, you do the morning, you’re a shit“. Following this altercation, the deputy left the set.

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