YouTube: soon quizzes at the end of the videos to find out if you have followed well?

Alexander Boero

July 07, 2023 at 7:10 p.m.


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© photosince /

The YouTube platform has launched a test period around AI-generated quizzes on mobile, quizzes in which you could participate to test your understanding of the topics covered in the videos watched.

YouTube likes quizzes and seems to want to multiply the cases of application. After the quizzes that channel owners can launch in the live chat or those that can be posted in the “Community” section to survey or amuse its subscribers, the platform seems to want to offer a new one to ask you for your reviews of videos you may have watched recently.

Quizzes suggested by AI

Keen to improve its service, video recommendations and user navigation, video streaming giant YouTube announced on Thursday that it has launched quiz tests generated by artificial intelligence. The tests are conducted on the platform’s mobile application.

If you’re a viewer of the experience, you might see these AI-generated quizzes start appearing on your app’s homepage. “Warns us YouTube, which has recently cleaned up the many channels on its network.

Quizzes will appear as you browse (whether you’re on iOS or Android) to test your understanding of a topic covered in a video you’ve recently watched.

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© Shutterstock

Questionnaires offered for more educational videos, initially

If you come across one of these quizzes and agree to take it, YouTube promises to make it easy to return to the previously watched video with a link, so you can come back. back, get a better idea of ​​the content and then deliver your most relevant opinion on the subject discussed.

At the moment, the experience is not generalized and is limited to a small percentage of users, but the idea is to present it to everyone in the near future, if it proves to be a success for developers. The videos proposed for the tests are rather turned around popularization (educational content) and are in English.

It’s not yet clear what form this quiz takes, but we’ll be sure to let you know if YouTube decides to turn this quiz into a permanent feature.



  • Large catalog of video content
  • Channels without limits on themes
  • Free

YouTube is a video streaming platform on which any Internet user can upload their videos, view those of other users, create their own thematic channel and develop their audience. A true web 2.0 icon, YouTube has evolved over the years and therefore retains its well-established popularity.

YouTube is a video streaming platform on which any Internet user can upload their videos, view those of other users, create their own thematic channel and develop their audience. A true web 2.0 icon, YouTube has evolved over the years and therefore retains its well-established popularity.

Source : Google Support

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