YouTube will crack down on smart guys

Covers generated by AI, content usurping the identity of other people, or videos created without the consent of the rights holders… YouTube has announced that it wants to crack down on the inevitable abuses of artificial intelligence recently observed on its platform.

Source: Christian Wiediger / Unsplash

If they are revolutionizing the way certain content is created, generative AI is also forcing large hosting platforms to establish stricter rules to limit abuses. The objective is to avoid the publication of content whose legality (or ethics) is sometimes more than questionable. Among the services on the front line, YouTube, which recently announced that it wanted to crack down (thanks to its own AI-powered tools) against several types of videos and content generated using artificial intelligence.

The Google subsidiary notably indicated that it would soon remove musical covers (“ covers “) created by AI, as well as any other AI-generated content that tends to impersonate an artist, person or other user of the platform.

YouTube forced to put limits on AI creations

In the coming months », Explains YouTube, this turn of the screw will concern in particular content created without the authorization of the rights holders, or without the approval of the people concerned. It will also impact content intended to distort a point of view, but on the condition that a complaint is made through YouTube’s privacy request procedure.

The platform, however, assures that it is “ important to balance these opportunities with our responsibility to protect the YouTube community “. Clearly, the group should adopt a case-by-case approach, taking into account a certain number of criteria before removing AI-generated content.

We nevertheless imagine that the firm will pay particular attention to videos intended to mock or harass someone, as well as to videos intended to usurp the identity of a person who can be clearly identified. An important point to limit, among other things, the proliferation of “deep-fakes”.

We also learn that the firm will force AI content creators to explicitly report the synthetic nature of their videos. Under penalty of suspension or outright exclusion from the YouTube partnership program, which notably allows the monetization of said content.

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