YouTuber who faked plane crash ends up in prison

Trevor Jacobs, a YouTuber suspected of having simulated the crash of his plane in January 2022, has just been sentenced by American justice to a six-month prison sentence. That’s the price of fame.

plane crash youtube
Credits: Trevor Jacobs

Remember, we mentioned in January 2022 in our columns the insane story of Trevor Jacobs, a YouTuber who created a buzz on the video platform by parachuting from his plane, after an alleged engine failure.

After the publication of the video, which today still counts 4.4 million viewsmany voices were raised to questioning the authenticity of the “incident”. In the opinion of spectators and several aeronautics specialists, the videographer staged this crash to get views, garner subscribers and make money.

A fake plane crash to create buzz on YouTube

After three months of investigation, the FAA, the American aviation regulatory agency, delivered its verdict. The organization decided to suspend Trevor Jacobs’ flight licensewho according to her, has “operated his aircraft negligently and recklessly“. In its report, the FAA also points out suspicious behavior by the pilot, such as having opened “the left driver’s side door before announcing a malfunction on the engine” or that he is not tempted to find a safe landing zone.

However, we have just learned that the 30-year-old videographer has just been sentenced this Monday, December 4, 2023 by the American courts to a sentence of 6 months in prison in a federal penitentiary center. During his trial and after having denied for months, Trevor Jacobs finally admitted to intentionally crashing his plane.

Also read : Youtube – a Youtuber takes a bath in bleach and ends up in the hospital

The pilot receives six months in prison

Ultimately, Trevor Jacobs repeatedly lied to authorities, including claiming he did not know the location of the wreck. While it was his responsibility to preserve the crash site and give its location to the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board), the man worked to erase all traces of the accident using a helicopter to evacuate the wreckage in complete “discretion”, before gradually getting rid of the remaining rubble.

For prosecutors, it is of a clear desire to thwart the federal investigation against him. “It appears that Jacob demonstrated exceptionally poor judgment in committing this offense. Jacob likely committed this offense to generate media coverage for himself and gain financial gain. This type of “daredevil” behavior cannot be tolerated,” prosecutors argued in a sentencing memorandum.

Despite the lawyers’ request for a sentence of probation instead of incarceration, particularly due to extenuating circumstances, justice wanted to make an example. According to her, this prison sentence was necessary “to prevent other people from attempting this type of stunt”.

Source: CNN

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