“Zemmour weakens French interests in the Muslim world”

Lhe official candidacy of Eric Zemmour for the French presidential election of 2022 is widely discussed in France and abroad. All the foreign press, including that of the Arab world, speaks of the polemicist. On the strength of multiple polls giving him behind President Emmanuel Macron, the Republican candidate Valérie Pécresse and that of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, Zemmour’s candidacy was widely commented on. And obviously, Arabic-speaking journalists cannot be insensitive to a candidate whose speech has so far been exclusively focused on the issue of immigration and on the identity of France, which, according to the latter, would be threatened by the presence of Muslims on European soil.

It must be said that Zemmour’s speech primarily and almost exclusively targets French citizens of the Muslim faith, including those whose parents or great-grandparents come from Africa or Asia. Two months ago, Eric Zemmour also asked Muslims to “renounce Islam which consists in imposing a legal and political code”.

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France’s challengers in Africa on the lookout

This takes place in a context where the African continent is already a laboratory for new power struggles between France and its challengers in the Arab-Muslim world. Russia, China and Turkey do not hesitate to use certain themes to try to tarnish France’s image in Africa.

The example of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the most striking since the latter has for several years deployed a targeted policy vis-à-vis African countries, in particular the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. However, this African policy of Turkey is based on a speech which castigates “imperialism”, “arrogance” and “colonialism” of Europeans, igniting a fire of resentment that the French president is trying to extinguish by trying to ” open a new page with the new generations of African countries, focusing in particular on the voice of civil society. However, the candidacy of Eric Zemmour is very likely to rekindle the fire of resentment which targets France because the latter, an assumed Africanophobe, continues to praise imperialism and colonialism.

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His speech instrumentalised by detractors of France

On the strictly political level, his speech is already instrumentalised by the detractors of France for their benefit in order to better position themselves in Africa and elsewhere. This is the case, for example, of the Turkish channel TRT World which considers that racism, at the heart of politics in France, facilitated the rise of Eric Zemmour.

That said, the African continent will not be the only place where French interests will be in difficulty in the event that Éric Zemmour becomes President of the French Republic. It is the interests of France everywhere in the world, but especially in the eastern part of the Arab world where Iranians, Turks and Russians squint on market shares that Eric Zemmour’s speech risks weakening them.

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By France’s competitors in the Gulf too

In the Gulf for example, the only notoriety of Eric Zemmour – already as a candidate – will easily serve as an alibi for calls to boycott France, which the same French challengers already support with joy. Indeed, the speech of the polemicist of CNews never hesitates to attack Islam, a religion shared by more than a billion people in the world, and that the latter wants to “fight”. However, the controversies over the cartoons of the Prophet of Islam have shown a growing disenchantment between France and the Arab world, forcing France’s close allies to disassociate themselves and publicly condemn Paris during the last sequence of the cartoons.

The media hostile to France in heaven

The Arabic-speaking media will naturally be the first to take advantage of the opportunity offered by Eric Zemmour in his inflammatory statements. And the hashtags calling for a boycott of French products – which continue to flourish from time to time (1) on Twitter – will start again. Moreover, the Turkish press agency in Arabic never misses an opportunity to comment on issues related to Islamophobia in France by making the link with the notoriety of Eric Zemmour. Other Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan will be on the list of countries likely to be bristling with Islamophobic speeches. Arab countries, with a claimed Islamic identity and with a significant financial windfall, such as Kuwait and Qatar, will also have to show their distance from France if Eric Zemmour’s speech wins more and more coverage in the foreign press, especially Arabic-speaking. In 2020, Kuwaiti businesses had been particularly active in boycotting French products.

French alliances weakened

The activism of the countries most quick to condemn Eric Zemmour’s Islamophobic remarks will lead France’s closest allies to dissociate themselves and distance themselves, because the regional context in which a struggle for the leadership of Islam is being played out will relegate international considerations in the background.

Thus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and other Arab and Muslim countries will be forced to align themselves with the first and to condemn as in the case of the cartoons. Al Azhar will probably try to be the most responsive and not be overtaken by Turkey or Iran. Some leaders in difficulty will be able to gather, to their benefit and at little cost, their public opinion around them thanks to a condemnation that the local newspapers will display in the streets.

READ ALSOIslam, Pétain, #Meetoo: heated debate between Éric Zemmour and Bruno Le Maire

A real risk of the provincialization of France …

“Provincialize Europe”, headlines Dipesh Chakrabarty in his essay, which has also become the motto of the decolonial movement, a political objective shared by the postcolonial movement as well. The members of this last movement want to “go beyond European-centrism” by questioning the (supposed) universality of concepts inherited – by force – from European modernity. They will be surprised to find an unexpected ally in the person of Eric Zemmour. The latter never misses an opportunity to shoot red balls on the values ​​inherited from the Enlightenment: progress, equality and human rights.

Thus, Zemmour becomes the perfect alibi for critics of France’s cultural heritage around the world since he criminalizes it himself. The most glaring example remains his degrading and insulting speech towards women, because in addition to going against one of the foundations of current French feminist diplomacy, the latter publicly breaks with the image of a France which honors equality and courtesy towards women. It is not surprising, moreover, that the polls give her low scores among the female electorate.

… or even a clear break against it

Paradoxically, Zemmour and the new intelligentsia influenced by American universities will achieve the same result through different logics: cut France off from the rest of the world and let Anglo-Saxons, Russians, Turks, Iranians and other nationals of regional powers replace French influence. where it will have been damaged. The two have embarked on a lucrative business: the entrepreneurship of anger and resentment, forgetting that all are passengers of the boat that flies the French flag. If ever, unfortunately, this one should sink, they will all drown. Together.

The case of Eric Zemmour is part of a national tension around Islam which continues to swell, year after year, favored by all extremisms, including jihadist terrorism which has plagued France in recent decades. However, openly Islamophobic speeches – which have become commonplace in television channels and the presence of Renaud Camus on CNews is just one umpteenth and sad example – weaken the French social fabric as well as the influence of France in the world.

The continuum created between domestic and foreign policy around the Muslim question – sometimes in the name of the fight against Islamism, whose multiple names illustrate the absence of precise outlines and therefore of precise definition – adds confusion in the treatment of the facts. religious, and in fine, their distinction from the political fact. Zemmour takes advantage of this confusion – religious illiteracy would say the Pope – to sell his books, feed his ego and his resentment towards Muslims, but it is the fate of France that he dishonors.

* Middle East advisor for The Global Diwan, an international business club founded by the former secretary general of the Quai d’Orsay, the French ambassador Maurice Gourdault-Montagne. The latter co-chairs it with the Kuwaiti Princess Sheikha Intisar Al Sabah.

(1) The hashtags #boycottFrance and its Arabic counterpart # مقاطعه_المنتجات_الفرنسية 365 are still active today.

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