Zero Training: Trend workout from Japan tightens the body in 5 minutes

Zero training
This Japanese trend workout aims to tone your body in just 5 minutes

© miya227 / Shutterstock

Losing weight, strengthening your muscles and tightening your contours – the so-called zero training aims to do all of this in just five minutes. What’s up with the fitness trend from Japan?

Barre workout, piloxing, hula hoop – the fitness world is constantly creating new sports trends. Ultimately, they all promise the same thing: boost fat burning, help you lose weight, strengthen your muscles. Easy! A Japanese fitness trainer has now developed a method that is said to have a similar effect – but with minimal effort: “Zero Training”.

Tomomi Ishimura founded the “Body Tone” yoga studio in New York and wrote a book called “The Zero Training Method”. The Japanese woman recommends her comfortable workout especially to non-sportspeople who want to start somewhere. In principle, it is suitable for all training levels. The best thing about Zero Training is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home in just five minutes.

So what exactly is zero training?

The Zero Training aims to help counteract muscle pain, train and tighten the muscles and ultimately lose weight. According to Tomomi Ishimura, poor posture and unhealthy habits (yes, that’s right: we mean hunched over on the couch with our laptop on our lap) are the main reasons why our bodies sag and accumulate fat over the years. And usually exactly where we do NOT want it.

“When different parts of the body contract, they lose alignment with the zero position. Circulation and metabolism are affected, and you can gain weight, lose shape and other problems,” reveals the trainer on Instagram. She also explains directly what the “zero” or “null” means in the name of her training method: The goal is to restore the zero position, i.e. the ideal state of posture.

With just five minutes of daily effort, Zero Training aims to achieve this neutral position with gentle breathing, stretching and muscle-activating exercises. This should then be the basis for us to become tighter, healthier and lighter overall.

Zero Training: This is how the mini workout works

For the exercises you should lie on your back on the floor, preferably on a yoga mat. Ideally, you still have a few pillows or yoga bolsters to get your body in the right position. In this Instagram video, the Tomomi Ishimura shows how exactly you take the zero position:

And here she shows you one of the exercises:

Tomomi Ishimura explains the other exercises in detail on her Instagram account.

Does Zero Training keep what it promises?

Tomomi Ishimura claims that you can lose weight with the Zero Training – and lose up to three inches from your waist. But whether restoring this zero position actually causes us to shed fat and lose weight is scientifically debatable. Because not every body feels the same effect with a certain training method. While some torment themselves for an hour every day in the gym and hardly or not lose weight, others do one downward dog per week and the pounds just seem to tumble. Quite apart from the fact that in addition to genetics, eating habits and other lifestyles also contribute to our fitness.

But either way, our health can benefit from better posture. We can declare war on back pain and other complaints of our musculoskeletal system with the gentle stretching and muscle exercises of Zero Training. The breathing exercises help us to be more mindful of ourselves and our bodies. This gives us a better body feeling – regardless of our weight.

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