? Poll vote: 67% are in favor of a tobacco advertising ban


The tobacco advertising ban initiative “Children without tobacco” has met with great approval, as a survey by 20 Minuten and Tamedia shows. Could an adoption on February 13 be followed by further tightening?

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The initiative wants to ban tobacco advertising wherever children and young people are, for example in cinemas, on sports fields and at sponsoring events such as concerts and open air events.


Almost all European countries have a ban on tobacco outdoor advertising.  Switzerland is an exception ...

Almost all European countries have a ban on tobacco outdoor advertising. Switzerland is an exception …


... also by allowing advertising in the print media and ...

… also by allowing advertising in the print media and …


  • A majority today would be the I.initiative «Yes to the protection of children and young people from tobacco advertising» agree.

  • If there is an equally clear assumption on February 13, some fear further tightening.

  • Health politician Ruth Humbel waves: Prohibitions would hardly be approved.

  • For the politicaln Father of the smoking bans indoors the initiative is long overdue.

  • Because: The Swiss tobacco policy may be from L.obbies interspersedso Felix Gutzwiller.

When it comes to smoking, Switzerland is an island in Europe – quite literally, as the graphics in the photo gallery show. But now clouds are gathering for the tobacco advertising industry.

The popular initiative “Yes to the protection of children and young people from tobacco advertising” wants to massively restrict the freedom of advertising in the tobacco industry (Pros and cons of the tobacco advertising ban).

67 percent for tobacco advertising ban

The initiative has a good chance of being accepted on February 13, as the poll by 20 Minuten and Tamedia shows: Currently, 67 % agree to the submission, 31 % speak out against the ban. The approval is strikingly clear, whether among women or menn, Young or old, whether in the city or in the country, in German-speaking Switzerland, French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino.

In politics, too, the bill finds comfortable majorities almost everywhere. The exception are representatives of the SVP and the FDP, who narrowly reject or only narrowly support the ban.

“Adoption would be the beginning for further bans”

If there is such a strong majority in the vote as is currently emerging, some fear even more far-reaching ban demands. “Apart from the loss of advertising income, acceptance of the initiative would be the beginning of even more bans – next would be the sugar !? ”says SVP Cantonal Councilor Rochus Burtscher, himself a non-smoker.

Party colleague and cigar smoker Mauro Tuena agrees, with the Zurich National Council adding: “Young people don’t smoke because of advertising, but because of their personal environment.”

“The population would not approve of American conditions”

On the other hand, the central national councilor and health politician Ruth Humbel does not assume that a clear acceptance of the advertising ban initiative would lead to further tightening: “The approval of the tobacco advertising ban is high, but I don’t think that the Swiss population will go any further Would approve of bans according to American standards », says Ruth Humbel.

«Nobody denies that the protection of minors is very important. At the same time, we are talking about a legal pleasure product for adults. In this respect, the tobacco advertising ban initiative goes too far for me. ” After all, according to the central national councilor, young people would hardly come along because of tobacco advertising in free newspapers or at sales outlets the Ralso begin, but primarily because of of circle of friendsit, Need for adjustment and peer pressures.

Different status than ten years ago

Humbel supports the more moderate counter-proposal of the Federal Council, but only half-heartedly. «I would like best if we would like to see the effect of the tightened Tobacco Products Act, which will soon come into forceit wait, »she says. “This provides for a ban on the sale of cigarettes and other smoking and tobacco products under the age of 18. That would first have to be consistently enforced, or violations are rigorously fined. “

Experience has shown that the initial approval values ​​for popular initiatives are flat awaythe closer the vote gets. On the other hand, smoking is in a more difficult position in Switzerland than it was ten years ago, when smoking bans in public indoor spaces were still hotly debated.

“Politics is interspersed with tobacco and advertising lobbies”

Tobacco advertising itself, remained untouched for a long time. A first attempt to ban this advertising failed in Parliament in 2016 – also under pressure from multinational corporations. In this respect, it is right and important that the initiative on February 13th finally gets going, says the political father of the smoking bans indoors, Felix Gutzwiller: “There has been no progress in Swiss tobacco policy for years, also because it is increasingly interspersed with tobacco and advertising lobbies,” says the former FDP Council of States. “For them, the initiative is a warning shot to take the issue more seriously overall.”

Gutzwiller also refers to the fact that Switzerland is one of the few countries in the world that has not ratified the international tobacco convention of the World Health Organization: “As the host country and founding member of the WHO, we shouldn’t be the last to move”.

The initiative wants to ban tobacco advertising wherever there are children and young people. For example in the cinema, in and on public transport, in and on public buildings, on sports fields and at sporting events. Advertising at sponsoring events, in advertisements in the press, on the Internet and at the kiosk would also be prohibited. Mailings and the distribution of flyers to adults would, however, be permitted.

The counter-proposal provides for less far-reaching demands than those of the initiative committee. The tobacco advertising ban should be limited to posters, advertising in cinemas or at sporting events. However, the cantons can decide on stricter advertising restrictions. The counter-proposal also includes a Switzerland-wide ban on the sale of tobacco products to minors. The previous age limit of 16 years in nine cantons would thus be increased to 18 years.

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