Where should houses go? Where can companies expand? Where can wind turbines be built? The state development program, on which comments are possible until Tuesday, revolves around these questions. The state politicians want to use the paper to set guidelines for the municipalities on how they can develop.
Hardly any federal state has such an outdated development program as Salzburg. Since 2003, the government’s guidelines for national development have been in force. High time to rewrite the paper. A current draft is currently under review. Comments can be submitted until Tuesday. The program sets the direction in which the federal state should develop. Where should housing be built? Where can companies settle? Where should energy be generated? What place does tourism have? Which areas should remain untouched? “With the paper, we are creating clear responsibilities and giving the communities tighter guidelines for their spatial development concepts,” says Regional Planning Councilor Josef Schwaiger (ÖVP). Tourism only in the town centers. All of this applies to new projects. Because the state development program is the overriding document. The municipalities then determine in their development concepts how they will use their land. The opposition is skeptical about the government’s plans. The other parties are not completely satisfied with the draft. “We still want to change the fact that CO2 emissions and climate protection do not occur at all,” says the Green MP Josef Scheinast. For the SPÖ, the paper is not specific enough. “Should that happen, it may be less effective than clear provisions in the Regional Planning Act,” says MP Karin Dollinger. FPÖ leader Marlene Svazek doubts that the state government can agree on a final paper, after all, it is not even about the expansion of the Europark got on a green branch. In any case, the Neos are already on board. “The state development program forms a solid basis for the future,” says club chairman Sepp Egger.
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