3 easy-to-do stretches to relieve it


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Constipation can affect anyone and can be chronic or occasional. Here are 3 easy stretches to get back to normal transit.

Constipation affects many people and can lead to pain, cramps, bloating. When to talk about constipation? When the frequency of stools decreases, and they are difficult to pass. “We distinguish temporary constipation from chronic constipation (if it lasts more than 6 months editor’s note) for which a cause is sought”, specify it site of Health Insurance. Here we are talking about occasional constipation. This phenomenon can be caused by several factors: a change in daily habits, when the person has held back too long despite the urge, a diet low in fiber, lack of physical activity … And many others things.

Doctor Claudia Sanmiguel, a gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., suggests trying different things to relieve constipation, and she tells the magazine Well and Good. For her, it is important to exercise, eat foods rich in fiber, drink a lot of water, avoiding consuming too much dairy products and too many refined sugars… Another solution considered: doing certain stretching exercises. pelvic floor. Indeed, one of the important tasks of the pelvic floor is to help with bowel function.

The butterfly

Simply sit on the floor or on a mat and press the soles of your feet together. Straighten your spine well and use your forearms to gently press down on your knees to increase the stretch. Keep the pose for a minute.

The cat’s position

Get on all fours and gently arch your back inward. Let your head drop gently. Then slowly curl your back in the opposite direction, and so on.

The posture of the sphinx

Lie on your stomach on a mat for comfort. Press down on your forearms and palms and lift your upper body, while keeping your legs and the tops of your feet sunk into the ground. Keep your gaze forward. That’s it !

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