3 fun tips to strengthen your perineum


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The perineum is a set of muscles that allows, among other things, not to suffer from incontinence and to experience more intense sexual intercourse. It is important to build it up throughout its life.

Do you know what exactly the perineum is? This set of muscles extending from the tailbone to the pubis is also called the “pelvic floor” and takes the shape of a hammock. It is used in particular to support the organs of the pelvis, ensure the tightness of the sphincters and ensure the sensations during sexual intercourse. The perineum works all the time, especially when you sneeze, laugh or refrain from urinating.

But certain factors participate in its slackening: pregnancy, menopause, smoking or the fact of being constantly seated (thank you for teleworking). It is therefore important to think about building it so as not to suffer from incontinence problems, or simply to ensure that you have good sexual health. Here are 3 tips to combine the useful with the pleasant, by strengthening your perineum during your sex or while you masturbate.

Geisha balls, the ideal sextoy for strengthening your perineum

They can be intimidating, seem very heavy … But geisha balls are very effective for strengthening your perineum. They come in the form of two balls connected to a cord. When you insert them into the vagina, you need to be relaxed and patient. You can help yourself with your fingers and / or a lubricating gel. It is very important to wash them well before and after each use, because they are in direct contact with your mucous membranes.

The advantage of geisha balls is twofold, because on the one hand, they strengthen the perineum, especially if you perform contraction-relaxation exercises of the perineum simultaneously. On the other hand, they can stimulate you twice as much during your sex, whether it is penetrative or not. They are available in all sex shops, online and in stores.

Raise her back and contract her buttocks during sex

When you lift your back during intercourse, it causes the perineum to contract, especially if this movement is accompanied by a contraction of the gluteal muscles. Some sexual positions, such as the bridge position, go in this direction and make you muscle your perineum during the act. It is also possible to have fun contracting and relaxing your perineum around your partner’s fingers, tongue or penis.

Masturbating without using your fingers muscles the perineum

You can even go a step further and attempt to masturbate without touching yourself. You just have to contract and relax your perineum while you are seated or via a friction logic. This can be extremely stimulating and also helps to actively build the perineum. It is, moreover, a challenge that can prove to be exciting for the person who carries it out.

In short, building your perineum is very important for our sexual health as well as for the good maintenance of our pelvic organs. It is therefore advisable to think, from time to time, to contract and relax it. Also, it is important not to remain seated too long and not to refrain from urinating because this contributes to its relaxation.

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