3 professional reorientations for cat fans

Do you have professional questions in this dark period? If you want to reorient yourself, know that the profession of cat cuddler does exist. Among other jobs for feline fans … Here are our three favorite options.

With confinement, we are rediscovering the benefits of having a pet, as we explained to you on aufeminin at the end of October. The opinions are also often very clear between lovers of dogs and cats … Lovers of the seconds, you want to make your job? Beyond veterinarian, other professions exist. Here are three examples to broaden your professional horizons.

Cuddler of cats

This job had made the buzz in 2018: an Irish veterinary clinic, Just Cats, then expanded its team. And what new recruit was in demand? Cat Calineur.se, yes madam! The job description is no longer online, but it was reported by the English newspapers at the time. And was very precise: it was a question of being endowed with soft hands to cuddle and caress the cats, the ability to speak very softly, but also, to whisper in the ears of the tomcats to calm the nerves of certain .es patients on all fours. "Knowing how to understand the different types of purring" was also a big plus. If the position is filled today, we discover that any passion can become a profession, and we are watching the announcements of veterinary clinics closely!

Cat bar owner

Do you know the scientific term for cat worship? It is about the aerophilia. If you have it and you also have a sense of contact with people, the ideal business exists: owner of a cat bar. The concept comes from Japan. The idea: to combine the conviviality of a coffee and the benefits of the purring of cats, known under the name of purring therapy. This name comes from a Toulouse veterinarian, Jean-Yves Gauchet, who claims the paternity of this therapy in France, recalls Le Monde. He ensures that the purring "soothes" and acts like "a drug without side effects". As soon as the pandemic ends, we can therefore only recommend the creation of your cat bar, a place where customers can finally relax after these harsh months of Covid.

Volunteer in a shelter or cat sitter

Granted, volunteering is not quite a profession, as the work performed is unpaid. But this activity will allow you to take care of a cat without the need for special diplomas. Be careful, however: a little training to understand the behavior of felines and the right gestures remains essential. The gift of his time does not boil the pot? The solution: become a cat sitter, in other words, a cat sitter, either at your home or at the home of the animal's master or mistress. Applications and sites exist to be put in contact (not all of them offer remuneration). Just like volunteering, the cat job will allow you to enjoy the company of a feline, without having to bear the cost of its food and health, and even if your home or current situation does not allow you to adopt. . So, are you ready to purr?

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