4.59 out of 5: Why is Forrest Gump the best movie of all time?

With an average rating of 4,592 stars out of 5, “Forrest Gump” is the highest rated film of all time by AlloCiné viewers. But how can we explain such a score?

Directed in 1994 by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks in one of his greatest roles, Forrest Gump is the highest-rated film of all time by AlloCiné spectators. With an average of 4,592 stars out of 5, it comes in just above Schindler’s List (4,587 out of 5) and The Green Line (4,572 out of 5).

Deploying undeniable cinematographic qualities, rewarded by 6 Oscars, this historical and dramatic fresco which revisits the American 20th century through the candid eyes of the touching Forrest has indeed all the assets required to offer itself a nice place at the top of our ranking. But what exactly are the elements that allowed him to climb to the top of the podium?

By analyzing, aided by a tool developed internally based on artificial intelligence, the 2,533 reviews written by spectators on AlloCiné, several salient points tend to emerge.

First of all, of the 126,500 ratings given to Robert Zemeckis’ film over the decades, 45% (an overwhelming majority) are 5 stars. Forrest Gump spectators are therefore extremely numerous to describe it as a masterpiece without hesitation. It also appears that the word “masterpiece” is mentioned in 28% of the film’s reviews.

Paramount Pictures

Furthermore, among all the qualities mentioned by spectators, the two that come up most often in reviews are, at 51% each:

– Tom Hanks’ performance (considered unforgettable, and which also earned him an Oscar for Best Actor as well as a Golden Globes)

– and the screenplay of the film, which offers the viewer a unique journey through an entire page in the history of the United States.

As for the feature film’s soundtrack, which delighted music lovers by bringing together hits from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jimi Hendrix and the Doors, as well as a sublime score by Alan Silvestri, it was praised by 41% of critics.

The 10 best films of all time according to viewers

28% of spectators allude to the production of Robert Zemeckis, also awarded an Oscar, and also known for having signed the trilogy Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit or Alone in the World with the even Tom Hanks.

Among the few negative points of the film occasionally cited by certain spectators, it is the lack of subtlety of the feature film which was most often mentioned (by 4% of critics). A minority of spectators (1% of critics) speak of a film that is sometimes boring and predictable, and of caricatured characters.

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