5 behavioral patterns that are typical of people with low EQ

sense of emotion
People who behave like this are usually not very emotionally intelligent

© Miljan Živković / Adobe Stock

Emotionally intelligent people are usually balanced and appear pleasant to others. And emotionally less intelligent people…are often characterized by these behaviors.

While interest and research in the area of ​​intelligence has been going on for well over 100 years, the concept of emotional intelligence is comparatively young: American psychologists coined the term in 1990 John Mayer and Peter Salovey, since then it has become established to refer to the ability to perceive and respond appropriately to feelings, both one’s own and those of others.

People with high emotional intelligence can usually use and understand their emotions as strength and help in their lives: they give them drive and offer them orientation. They can usually empathize with other people well and respond to them. People who are less emotionally intelligent often have a harder time in relationships and struggle more often with their feelings. The following behaviors tend to be typical for them.

Typical behavior patterns of people who are emotionally not very intelligent

1. They blame others for their unpleasant feelings.

People with low emotional intelligence often find it difficult to classify their feelings and understand where they come from and what role their attitudes play in them. They usually look for the cause of their condition in external factors, such as how other people treat them. In addition, emotionally less intelligent people usually find it difficult to differentiate themselves from others and to understand them: they often refer to how others behave or what they say, because they are less aware that something can bother someone, that has nothing to do with them.

2. You want to convince other people rather than exchange ideas.

Emotional intelligence helps you understand that the perspective from which other people see the world is different from your own and that this difference can be enriching. People who lack emotional intelligence usually believe that their position is the only right one or the best one. For this reason, they often insist on being right and talk to others with the main goal of getting them to agree with them.

3. You are very prone to stress.

Emotional intelligence usually makes people balanced and resilient overall. Those who can perceive their own emotions and respond appropriately to them do not suppress open needs and feel largely satisfied. In contrast, emotionally less intelligent people often live with a lack. They are often disoriented, experience severe mood swings and can easily get off track. Unforeseen challenges and stress are particularly hard on them and even small things can upset them considerably.

4. They hold grudges.

People with low emotional intelligence usually don’t deal well with mistakes – neither their own nor those of other people. Because of this, they find it difficult to forgive. On the contrary, they usually hold on to their anger passionately and are more likely to find relief by making other people feel bad too than by letting go and forgiving.

5. You are sensitive.

Because people with low emotional intelligence have difficulty acknowledging other people’s perspectives, they tend to be easily offended when something doesn’t go their way. If someone contradicts them or expresses criticism, they often take it personally and are hurt. When in doubt, they are more likely to assume that their fellow human beings have bad intentions if they offend or irritate them than to believe in a misunderstanding or a good intention.

Sources used: talentsmarteq.com, hackspirit.com, verywellmind.com, studysmarter.de


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