5 habits to absolutely ban, according to a dental surgeon

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Certain bad habits can encourage the development of bacteria on your toothbrush and impact your oral health. A dental surgeon reminds you of the good reflexes to have.

If it is not used correctly, or changed frequently, our toothbrush can become a real breeding ground for bacteria. The result: less effective brushing, bad breath or even risks of gum inflammation and infections. To keep healthy teethit is important to have the right reflexes and, above all, not to develop bad habits with this type of accessory which comes into daily contact with our teeth and gums.

As recalled by dental surgeon @dr.never on social networks, certain gestures or habits should absolutely be banned when you want to take care of your oral health. The scientist takes advantage of a video to provide a clear reminder of the worst things to never do with your toothbrush.

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5 things to never do with your toothbrush, according to a dentist

  • Brushing your teeth with a used toothbrush : “It is less effective and can damage the gums. A toothbrush should be changed every two months” recalls the expert.
  • Leave two toothbrushes next to each other : “The bristles of two toothbrushes should not touch as this facilitates the passage of bacteria”. The ideal: opt for a toothbrush holder, rather than a cup, in which the toothbrushes will be well separated from each other. Of course “we do not lend our toothbrush” underlines the dental surgeon.
  • Put your toothbrush in a zipped plastic bag when we travel: “This type of bag maintains humidity, and bacteria will grow”. Preferably use a carrying case to protect the head of your toothbrush, or place the toothbrush in a travel pouch specially designed for this purpose.
  • Leaving your toothbrush in the shower : a place “too humid, which allows bacteria to growr” explains the expert. If you brush your teeth in the shower, always place your toothbrush back in a cup or toothbrush holder outside of the shower area.
  • Leave your brush in a bathroom next to the toilet : if your toilet is in your bathroom, place your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible, “especially if you don’t lower the toilet seat when you flush” underlines the dentist.

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