5-minute recipe: You only need 5 ingredients for this vegetable omelet

Vivi makes it easy
5-minute recipe for high-protein vegetable omelet

© Nina Firsova / Shutterstock

Would you like a quick and protein-rich breakfast? Then let yourself be convinced by the low-carb vegetable omelette from our food columnist Vivi. It’s ready in just five minutes!

It’s time again for a quick breakfast recipe that can be prepared in five minutes. Today I’m serving you a deliciously fluffy one Low-carb vegetable omelette made from just five ingredients and with plenty of protein. Can’t you believe how easy and quick healthy eating can be? Then let yourself be convinced and swing the wooden spoon.

Low-carb vegetable omelette with only 5 ingredients: This is how the protein meal works

For this vegetable omelette you only need five ingredients, an ovenproof dish and a mixing bowl. You can get started and breakfast will be on the table in no time.

You need these ingredients for about 2 servings

  • 4 large eggs
  • 100 g crème fraîche light
  • 3 tbsp grated cheese
  • 2 tbsp frozen herbs
  • 200 g frozen vegetable mix (of your choice)


  1. Whisk the eggs with crème fraîche, cheese and herbs and season with a little salt and pepper if desired.
  2. In the oven
    Line a tart tin, springform pan, ovenproof pan or baking dish with baking paper. Add the frozen vegetable mixture and pour the egg mixture over it. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 5 minutes until the egg is completely set.
  3. In the microwave
    To prepare it in the microwave, put the vegetables in a microwave-safe dish, pour the egg mixture over them and let them set for 2-4 minutes at around 800 watts.
  4. Top the low-carb vegetable frittata with a few fresh herbs and enjoy it with a light one, for example Herb quark.

Nutritional values ​​per serving: 20 g protein | 420 kcal | 33g fat | 9 g carbohydrates (calculated using conventional frozen butter vegetables)

With this tip you can get even more out of frozen vegetables

You are free to choose the vegetables for the omelet. Of course, you can also chop fresh vegetables instead of frozen vegetables – it will just take a little longer. How about some fresh tomatoes, for example? They make the omelet look even tastier, just like a few fresh herbs as a garnish.

In general, I find the vegetable mixes from the freezer shelf very practical because you can… stock up at home and can prepare all sorts of delicious, quick and healthy recipes, such as stir-fries, casserole recipes or vegetable soup. You can then add one or two fresh ingredients to the eye and you have a completely successful dish.

Vivi’s top tip

Did you know why food fills you up in the first place? Play a major role, in addition to the hormonal control in the brain and the sensory control in the gastrointestinal tract, namely the proteins in food. They ensure that we become full faster and stay full. This is also colloquially called the “protein hunger”, and when this is satisfied, we are full. Say: The more protein in your food, the faster you will feel full. And now – bon appetit!

Want even more delicious, healthy recipes? Then take a look at our BRIGITTE low-carb recipes or recipes for frittata. There are also a ton of other egg recipes and inspiration for 5 minute recipes.


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