5 mistakes we all make when washing our face


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Cleansing your face is an essential beauty gesture on a daily basis to have beautiful skin. But still it is necessary to banish these ugly reflexes so that it is really beneficial.

Sebum, sweat and impurities constantly accumulate on our face without our realizing it. And that’s without counting on the make-up that we sometimes apply in addition to the complexion, the eyes and the lips… This hinders the mechanisms of cell regeneration and tends to clog the pores of our skin, which gives us blackheads and pimples on the face. This is why it is necessary to cleanse your face regularly to get rid of it and display beautiful, clean and radiant skin.

Essential morning and evening, washing the face must however be carried out with the right products and an appropriate gesture to be effective and do more good than harm to our skin. Some of our habits can indeed have serious consequences on the beauty of our skin. Here are the ones to banish from this key step of the routine.

Using an overly aggressive cleanser

The skin of the face is thin and fragile, it is important to respect its sensitivity so as not to attack it. If you are used to using soap to wash your face, be aware that it can be very drying for your skin. Instead, opt for a cleansing treatment specially designed for the face (softer than 2-in-1s) and well suited to your skin type, it will help you solve your skin concerns (excess sebum, dry skin, etc.) the stride.

wash your face too quickly

For cleaning to be effective, the product must be well applied and have time to act, so it is necessary to take the time to emulsify it well on all areas of the face before rinsing it off to rid the skin of impurities. Gestures that will take you no less than 30 seconds minimum!

Confusing make-up removal with cleaning

This is one of the most common mistakes made by makeup fans. If you wear make-up, it is essential to remove make-up from your skin before cleaning it. Cleansing products for the face can complete make-up removal but do not replace it.

Wash your face in the shower

Even if this reflex seems clever to save time, it is not recommended because you risk washing your skin with water that is far too hot for it. The skin of your face is indeed more fragile than that of your body which supports a higher temperature. Be careful because washing your face with water that is too hot could damage your skin and cause dryness and irritation.

Badly dry your skin afterwards

Once the cleaning has been properly done, you must finalize the ritual by gently drying your skin with a soft towel. Above all, you should not rub your face or forget to dry it because the water that remains on your face could evaporate as it evaporates and could dry out your skin.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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