5 things grandchildren can learn from their grandparents

Grandma’s and grandpa’s wisdom
5 things grandchildren can learn from their grandparents

Grandparents are a real treasure of things that grandchildren can learn from them.

© Halfpoint / Adobe Stock

The relationship between grandchildren and grandparents is something very special. They can also give the little ones a lot to take with them.

Grandparents have a special relationship with their grandchildren: On the one hand, they are important attachment figures and can sometimes set rules. On the other hand, they can pamper their grandchildren in a way (one might even say “overprotective” at times) that the parents are not always able to do. And most importantly, they can teach them important insights and skills.

Secret Cooking Recipes

Grandchildren can learn great recipes from their grandparents

Grandparents have a lot of secret family recipes that they love to pass on to their grandchildren.

© Jacob Lund / Adobe Stock

Grandma has a whole collection of recipes ready for every season – not surprising, after all, Grandma and Grandpa grew up in a time when not all possible foods were available all year round. You just had to economize with what was there – which sometimes wasn’t easy, but in any case it was good for creativity. Grandparents can teach their grandchildren recipes that may have been in the family for generations—and that you certainly won’t find in just any cookbook.

life experience

Something really has to happen to upset grandma and grandpa. After all, with their decades, they have already seen about everything on our beautiful planet. For this reason, older people are also less likely to react in panic to new circumstances. Life is too short to always give the greatest space to fear and worry – if anyone knows that, it’s the grandparents. And they always have an open ear for everyday problems and can be of help with their own experiences. After all – even if grandchildren sometimes can hardly imagine it – they were once young (and in love).

History with a living example

For some, history (whether in school or in general) may be very exciting, for others it is just a boring string of facts and figures. But history has so much more to offer, which our grandparents demonstrate to us. After all, history is nothing more than the collection of the most diverse human destinies – of which that of the grandparents is one of many. And it certainly doesn’t hurt any child to hear about a time when there was no internet and smartphones and people still didn’t go insane.

practical skills

Grandchildren can learn many practical skills from grandparents

Grandchildren can learn many practical skills from grandparents.

© Dragica / Adobe Stock

pants broken? Can the grandparents sew. Do you need a new scarf or hat? No problem, grandma or grandpa can knit. Finally eat a strawberry that is regional and really organic? In addition to vegetables, the grandparents also have strawberries in their specially cultivated bed. Children can learn a lot of practical skills from Grandma and Grandpa – which will prove to be extremely useful throughout their lives.

Home remedies for and against everything

If you are plagued by an earache, your grandparents will simply make you a quick bag of onions, and when you cough, the juice of the onions is put in the cup together with honey. And if you have a fever, there are calf wraps. Soda and baking soda get rid of the dirt, vinegar and lemon make the bathroom sparkling clean again… The list of home remedies that grandma and grandpa have up their sleeves is almost endless. Whether it’s about colds and other physical problems, the household or the garden: the grandparents have the right thing ready for everything and are not afraid to share this knowledge with their grandchildren.

Sources used: care.com, www.samvednacare.com, www.cleanipedia.com


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