6 reasons why you shouldn’t rinse your dishes

Rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwasher is already not very ecological. But for many other aspects this gesture is completely useless. Here are the 6 reasons.

By brand of dishwasher detergent Finish, in France, we consume on average about 143 liters of water per person per day. Skipping the pre-rinse step would save up to 60 liters of water per dish. This stop has only advantages: in addition to saving money and saving time, you are doing a positive gesture for the planet.

It is useless

The dish soap used is supposed to land on the dirty sides of your dishes. By removing the residue, the product will not be able to hang on properly. This will make your dishes come out less clean than they should. For more efficiency, make sure to store your dishes in the right way, by putting the knife blades at the top for example.

This affects the operation of the dishwasher.

Dishwashers today are designed to detect dirt on dishes. If you rinse it, washing may be less effective since the sensors will not measure the correct soil level. In addition to that, this gesture interferes with the operation of the appliance and your dishes will not necessarily be well cleaned.

Read also : DIY Zero waste: Make your own dishwasher tablets

You’re wasting water

According to the brand Finish, a dishwasher uses only 10 liters of water per wash. By avoiding the pre-rinsing step, you save around 50 liters of water. If this seems like a drop in the ocean to you, this saving will always be more beneficial for the environment.

You throw your money out the window

With up to 60 liters of water per pre-rinsed dishes, it will be a cold shower when you pay the bill. Energy bills are already large enough to be able to add unnecessary debt.

Read also : 6 common mistakes we make that damage our dishwasher

Time saving

You already have a lot of household chores to do every day. Why impose yourself extra work and on top of that unnecessary? Take this step off your to-do list and you’ll free up more time for other activities. Mopping or simply basking 5 minutes more in the sun will be much more beneficial to you.

Further technology

A few years ago, rinsing your dishes before washing was logical and necessary. The dishwashers were not yet efficient enough to remove all the residue on the dirty surface. Today technology gives you a much more efficient service by detecting the level of gunk. If you are left confused, you can always count on strong detergent products.

See also: How to clean a dishwasher that smells bad? Our natural and economical tips!

Video by Sarah polak

Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …