60 free activities to stimulate the little ones

Whether for personal development or for the consolidation of the parent / child bond, it is important to stimulate your baby as much as possible. With the closings of nurseries and childminders who no longer receive children, it's extra time to spend with children (great!). These activities will awaken them to the world and allow you to spend a special time with them. Laughs, twittering, funny faces: your baby will delight you with joy

Early childhood experts all agree on one point: stimulating babies is important for their development and for their progress. However, the world around it is already very stimulating, so do not rush it!

Prohibit intensive training and instead focus on fun and gentle activities which, in addition to stimulating baby, will amuse you and allow you to consolidate the privileged bond which unites you with your child.

If your baby is 9 months old or younger, these activities will make you fall in love … both of you!

1) The elevator

Lie on your back and bend your knees to gain stability and strength. Place your hands on your child's chest, then raise it above your head (facing you) and lower it until your noses touch.

Repeat the movement several times and enjoy the laughter and chirps of your baby.

This activity is reserved for babies over 4 months old, that is to say when they hold their head and neck tightly.

2) The rocket

Lie on your back and stretch your straight legs toward the ceiling. Baby will come and sit on your feet.
Your partner will stand in front of your legs and hold the baby under your arms.

Bend your knees to bring baby down, then stretch your legs to bring them up. Take it easy!

This activity is reserved for babies 6 months and older, that is to say when they can sit with a support.

3) The bridge

Lie on your back, knees bent. Sit your baby on your lower abdomen (facing you) and hold him under your arms.

While making sure to converse with your back straight, your neck free and your shoulders on the ground, lift your buttocks upwards, as if you were going to make a bridge. Tighten the buttocks and abs. Then, lower your buttocks to the ground and start again.

The advantage of this activity is that in addition to having fun with your baby, it allows you to play sports and strengthen your back, abs and glutes!

This activity is reserved for babies 6 months and older, that is to say when they can sit with a support.

4) The roll

Place your baby on his back on a soft surface. Sit or squat in front of him.

Hold an attractive object just above his head and move it from side to side, slowly enough so that he can follow it with his eyes.

If your baby arches his back, turns his head and then turns around: give him the toy and let him play with it. Don't help him, let him do it!

On the other hand, if he only turns his upper body, you can give him a helping hand by pushing his buttocks slightly to help him discover the sensation of turning around.

If he is not at all interested and he does not seem to want to turn around, change activity and choose something that more captivates him. You will have time to come back to this later.

5) The swing

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your baby on your stomach, making sure that his legs hang slightly between yours. With your arms, hold it in place and above all support its head if it does not control it yet.

Keep the legs bent and lift them up in the air to form a 90 ° angle and then tilt them back and forth.

This activity is suitable for babies from birth!

Fancy more ideas? Take a look at our selection of photos of the best activities to stimulate baby spotted on Pinterest!

© Pinterestadorecherishlove

6) the lullaby

Lie on your back and place baby sitting on your lower abdomen. Hold him under your arms.

Be sure to keep your shoulders and feet on the floor, rock from right to left to rock baby.

This activity is possible from 4 months, as soon as your child holds his head alone.

7) The nursery rhyme

Choose a nursery rhyme or book that you want your child to discover. Put him on your lap and make him live history. Mimic the animals, imitate them, laugh when one of the characters in the story laughs, move the legs if one of the heroes of the story drives in a car: in short, put the tone and the forms!

Whatever your baby's age, this experience will captivate and familiarize him with language.

Most ? Not only is this activity possible regardless of your child's age (avoid sudden movements and adapt them according to his age), but above all it is gentle and will therefore stimulate him peacefully.

8) The hiker route

On the floor, install a blanket or a sleeping bag and place pillows that you will space below. This will form the route that your child will have to cross.

Put your baby on one end of the blanket and lie on the other end on your stomach to play hide and seek or on your lap. Make him signs, hide, in short push him across the course to join you.

Once in your arms, tickle him gently and cover him with kisses.

This activity is ideal for babies who are starting to crawl because it will allow them to develop their balance. Be careful, never leave baby alone with the blanket.

9) Emotions

More than a game, it would be more of a daily habit. When you play with your baby, think of exaggerating your emotions: speak in a playful way, laugh, smile, if a toy breaks make a pout, etc …

This is very important in stimulating baby and showing him a variety of emotions that he may not dare to express. Be sure to give him time to give you back an emotion and above all, avoid rushing him!

If you want to achieve a special “emotional” moment, the best is to choose a book where there is a plethora so that you reproduce them under the amazed eyes of your baby.

This type of activity is recommended from birth.

10) The chair game

Baby is about to take its first steps, you can be sure. To help him gain balance and muscle, the chair game is perfect!

Arrange several chairs so that it can move from one to the other easily. Put a toy on the first chair and help it get up to catch it.

Let him play with it for a minute, then, under his gaze, place another toy on another chair. Make sure he noticed!

Let him move alone then come as a backup if he can't get up to grab him.

Repeat the operation several times. You will see, it will become easier and easier for your child to reach the chairs. To complicate the exercise, further space the chairs.

Your child can't? It does not matter. These type of exercises are to be repeated over time not in a day! Give him time to tame his body and his strength and above all, do not rush him!

Read also: The 10 essential sentences that I could repeat endlessly to my children