7 errors not to be reproduced for this second confinement

Started since Thursday evening, the reconfinement plunges us back into stress and expectation. Except that this time, we are determined not to repeat the same mistakes made during the first confinement.

1. Aperitifs-visio … in moderation

The first confinement gave rise to a new trend: that of aperitifs-visio. If the first objective remained to maintain a social link while respecting health rules, several experts warn about the risks of this practice. The boredom and loneliness brought on by confinement can lead to increased alcohol consumption. "We all need a social bond, a laugh. The problem is not that we take an aperitif by Skype, it is that we take a lot. I think that even in this period, we must think that 'we must not take too bad habits ", confides Doctor Bernard Basset, president of ANPAA, the National Association for the Prevention of Alcohol and Addiction to BFM TV. So we take news from our loved ones, but we limit the aperitifs.

See: 5 apps to keep a social connection during confinement

2. We limit Netflix and screens

Of course, it is tempting to take advantage of this second confinement to catch up with our series on Netflix, OCS or Amazon Prime, or to take advantage of the lunch break to watch an episode of Desperate Housewives. If the number of services is increasing online, this reconfinement should not make us addicted to screens (at least, not more than we already are). Between teleworking, streaming platforms and video conversations, the time spent in front of the screens exploded during the first confinement. According to a study by the FIFG commissioned by the mobile manufacturer Oppo, 62% of smartphone users said they spent more time in front of their mobile screen. On the children's side, the finding is also alarming. According to a study by computer software company NortonLifeLock in France, children spent until 8:49 a.m. in front of a screen during lockdown. The solution: set a time limit and stick to it.

3. We balance professional and personal life

The first confinement reminded us of the importance of separating professional and personal life. Between isolation, stress and hyperconnection, confinement and teleworking can constitute an explosive cocktail. To prevent exhaustion and burn-out, you have to find a work routine, with time slots and breaks. It is also recommended, if possible, to organize a quiet workspace, separate from your living space, to take time for yourself. Finally, staying in touch with colleagues and recreating moments of conviviality as a team can prove to be beneficial.

4. We stop the race for productivity

Baking homemade bread is fun, but it doesn't have to be another task to accomplish. Containment is not immune to productivity injunctions. Cooking, doing yoga, working while taking care of your children … What if we stopped putting the pressure on ourselves? No more extended to-do lists. Succeeding in confinement is a fantasized goal that is appearing more and more on social networks. Yet this only adds stress and additional pressure to the angst over the health crisis we are going through. So this time, we get off Instagram and Twitter, we keep a balanced routine, and we welcome our emotions. It is also an opportunity to become aware of its privileges.

5. We take the air while respecting the sanitary rules

If confinement requires us to stay at home, it is essential to get out for the air, especially at this time of year, when the light decreases. With this second confinement and the fall in full swing, airing the mind is necessary to prevent seasonal depression. It is possible to go out for an hour to get some fresh air, play sports or walk your pet, within the limit of one kilometer around your home. Unlike spring, forests, parks and gardens remain accessible. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this daily hour to walk and take in the light of day. Also remember to bring your certificate with each trip, even for a few minutes near your home.

6. We exercise … reasonably

Obviously, practicing physical activity is very beneficial during this period. While staying in shape is essential, be careful not to overdo it. Asked by The team, cardiologist Laurent Chevalier warns: "When you have a fever or body aches, you must absolutely stop the sport and not do it for the next eight days." While sports lives of all kinds abound on social networks, pay attention to the instructions of the teachers so as not to hurt yourself. Also beware of online sports lessons where there are very few work instructions or which are not provided by professionals. If it is a discipline that you are used to practicing with a teacher you know, there is little risk, but if you are just starting out, you risk developing bad habits and breaking down. wrong.

7. We take care of ourselves, and of others

Some tended to forget themselves during the confinement in March. Taking care of yourself is essential. And we're not just talking about dressing and putting on a mask, but taking care of your sanity. Staying physically active, moving, eating well, in short, taking time for yourself in order to relax. We are moving away from continuous news channels, which does not mean to stop getting information, but to do it in moderation. Finally, we hear from our relatives, neighbors, shopkeepers in our neighborhood … Showing solidarity and empathy during this period also means knowing how to listen to others.