7 tips to sanitize a room that smells of cigarettes for a long time

Whether you are a light or heavy smoker, sometimes your interior smells of cold tobacco. To get rid of this unpleasant smell, there are 7 very simple tips to put into practice.

Smoking is bad. For health of course, for the relatives of smokers too, but also for its interior. Indeed, if you cannot go out on your balcony or in your garden to smoke your cigarette, there is a good chance that you smoke inside your home, or at least at the window and it still smells of tobacco. Unpleasant smells of cold tobacco then appear, even when you do not have a cigarette in your mouth. The smell permeates on your textiles, in the air and on the smooth surfaces of your home.

For get rid of that stubborn cigarette smell, which now perfumes your cozy nest and which some might take for a lack of hygiene on your part, there are very simple ways. Between baking soda, good ventilation, natural products, essential oils or even anti-tobacco candles… Here are 7 tips for cleaning up a room that has smelled of cigarettes for (far too) long.

Empty ashtrays regularly

If you or your guests regularly smoke indoors, there is a very simple technique to get rid of the smell of cold cigarettes. In effect, it is essential to clean… your ashtray ! Yes, emptying it several times a week helps prevent the bad smell from stagnating in your room. Better, you can invest in a closed model that prevents odors from spreading. Once your ashtray has been emptied into your trash can, don’t hesitate to take it out as well.

Using Baking Soda on Your Upholstery and Linens

The smell of tobacco can linger in your home for a long time, the fault of your carpets, sofa and curtains. Indeed, the smell settles there. That is why, to remove the cold tobacco, it is enough to sprinkle your fabrics with baking soda. Leave on for two hours, then remove the excess with your vacuum cleaner. Your fabrics will be like new! Regularly wash your curtains, cushion covers and carpet to prevent the smell of stale tobacco from settling there.

Lemon, rosemary or eucalyptus essential oils

To purify an air saturated by cigarette smoke, one of the best tricks remains that of essential oils. You can choose essential oils whose scent you like, but you can also opt for essential oils with respiratory properties like eucalyptus or antiseptics like lemon or rosemary. You will breathe better and your air will be rid of the smell of cold tobacco.

Clean your house regularly

Cushions, sheets and curtains are not the only ones to capture cigarette smells. Bad odors also permeate the floors and windows (yes, yes!). Fortunately, to no longer smell the cold tobacco at home, you just have to mop the floor and do your windows.

A bowl of charcoal to remove the smell of tobacco

There are many alternatives to get rid of cigarette smells in your home, including the charcoal bowl. To do this, all you need to do is place a bowl in the middle of the room, where the smells have soaked in, and then fill it with charcoal and wait for night clean the air and neutralize odors.

Use white vinegar

If you don’t have charcoal at home, you can use white vinegar instead. Indeed, to neutralize the smells of cold tobacco and saturated ashtray, a bowl of water, previously boiled in a saucepan, to which you add a glass of pure white vinegar, will miracles in your most smoky rooms !

Decorate with anti-tobacco candles

Another effective solution to get rid of bad cigarette smells: candles. Not just any, the so-called “anti-tobacco” candles. these remove the smell of tobaccothanks to a molecule “which is released during the combustion of the candle”, details the site Leroy Merlin.

Of course, traditional candles can also be used to camouflage cigarette smells, especially with strong scents like vanilla, cinnamon or fir. However, these decorative candles will tend to cover the cigarette smell rather than eliminate it.

The best solution to have an interior that does not smell of cigarettes is in any case, to quit smoking!

Marion Mancho

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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