8 tips to conceive quickly

It's decided, you want a child! You've known how babies are made for a long time. But since neither storks, cabbages or roses are of great help in conceiving a child, here are some tips to get pregnant (more) quickly, in the best conditions and start your pregnancy serenely.

Video by Laetitia Azi

Tip 1: I fill up on vitamin B9

As soon as you wish to conceive a baby, it is important to go see your doctor and talk to him about it. Indeed, taking vitamin B9 (also called "folate" or "folic acid") even before the start of "baby tests" decreases the risk of fetal neural tube defects during pregnancy. This folic acid is found naturally in certain foods such as yeast flakes, spinach, watercress, chicory, dandelion, lamb's lettuce, melon, walnuts, chestnuts, chickpeas or even certain fruits such as strawberries and lychees.

Why is this important?

Because scientific studies have shown that low folate levels in pregnant women increase the risk of developing neural tube defects (AFTN) in the developing fetus, folate should be taken to prevent them.
Attention, the beneficial effect is obtained by the daily consumption of 400 μg of folic acid, at least one month before conception and up to three months after conception. Taking folate up to the 12th week of amenorrhea is enough to reduce the risk of AFTN in 2/3 of cases.

To know : there are some brands that offer multivitamin capsules rich in minerals, trace elements, DHA, Zinc, Vitamins of group B, C and E which can contribute to fertility.
Granions – Conceptio, multivitamin for women – € 12.85

Tip 2: I stop the pill

It is obvious when you want to get pregnant (quickly or not) but it is better to say it anyway!

Next, be patient: you should know that stopping the pill does not necessarily cause ovulation to resume immediately. Women are all different and it can take a short time for menstrual cycles to return to their natural rhythm. So don't panic if you don't get pregnant within three months.

Tip 3: I know when I am ovulating

It is indeed at the time of ovulation that the chances of getting pregnant are greatest (note that the lifespan of an egg is approximately 48 hours). It is usually around the 14th day after the start of menstruation. You can know this moment by measuring your temperature over a whole cycle. The heat of the body is stronger just after ovulation. Write down the data, it will be used to draw a temperature curve to know the evolution of your cycle and your fertile periods.


There are also ovulation tests in pharmacies (Clearblue, Primatime, Revelatest, Biotester, Ovutest, Discretest).
On Amazon, you can easily get digital ovulation tests:
Clearblue – Pack of 10 ovulation tests – € 20.99
40 x ovulation test strip (20mlU / ml) + 10 x Early pregnancy tests (10mlU / ml) – € 12.95

Advantage : These products announce one to two days in advance of the day of ovulation and therefore allow you to anticipate. Based on the concentration of hormones in urine, they are 96% reliable.

Tip 4: I have enough sex

The lifespan of sperm is approximately 72 hours after being expelled into the genital cavities. So to optimize your chances of pregnancy, try not to go more than 3 days without having sex. But don't put too much pressure on yourself: stress is not recommended when trying to have a baby. And then it must remain a pleasure to make love with the man you love.

Contrary to popular belief, no scientific study has been able to prove that a special position during intercourse or after having made love promotes the rise of sperm in the cervix. But, if in doubt, you can try the following positions …

Tip 5: I choose the right season

Fertility is not the same throughout the year. The amount of sperm in a man's semen is greatest in early spring and late fall. Sperm are also more mobile in late summer and early fall. It is therefore autumn and the onset of winter that seem to be the best times for men to conceive a baby.

Tip 6: I take care of my diet

Eating healthy promotes fertility. Low-calorie diets certainly make you lose weight but can have a hormonal impact against fertility. So it is better to stop the restrictions a few months before you want to get pregnant. But this is not a reason to "let go" either: a diet rich in sugar increases the production of adrenaline, a hormone that will interact with progesterone whose role is to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.
The consumption of coffee, alcohol and tobacco also have a negative impact on fertility.

Tip 7: I pay attention to medication

Some pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, act on prostaglandin hormones which are involved in the contraction of the uterus. Ask your doctor, but it is better to do without it during the period of ovulation.

Tip 8: I relax thoroughly

Stress, anxiety, fear of not getting there are all reasons that can make conception less easy. So allow time for time, if you have just stopped the pill, listen very carefully to your body to reconnect with your natural rhythms. You may also wonder about unconscious psychological blockages that may prevent conception. And keep in mind that just because you can't get pregnant right away doesn't mean you necessarily have health or infertility issues. No matter how hard we try, nature sometimes takes a long time to have a baby.

To put the odds in your favor:
> One in two couples try to conceive at the wrong time
> Which pregnancy test to choose?
> All about cervical mucus
> How to get pregnant in 10 questions
> Are you ready to have a baby? Take the test!

… Now you wonder if "it worked"?

Use an early pregnancy test or read our articles on the subject:
Pregnant or not? the first signs that do not deceive
How you can detect early pregnancy (before your period is late)

Sources to find out more
Small health guide to bio-fertility (ASEF – Association Santé Environnement France)
How to improve female fertility outside of assisted reproduction? (Doctor Stéphane Sabbagh gynecologist-obstetrician – Paris)
Medical check-up for sterility or infertility (Ameli)