8 tips to reduce your waste production

Paying attention to the environment, taking care of the planet, limiting waste … No, these are not good resolutions that we will not keep, but real commitments that have become necessary. And at our level, it starts with everyday reflexes, such as reducing waste. To become an expert in recycling and strive for zero waste, all you need to do is take the right steps with these few simple tips!

Ecology has become a global cause, because it is urgent to limit the effects of global warming. Said so, it might seem like a long way from your day-to-day hassle, and in fact, you don't really care that much. However, this cause affects everyone in the short, medium and long terms. So how can we act at our level so that the future is brighter and the planet greener?
By becoming fully involved in a more virtuous economy thanks to our consumer behavior.

Are you familiar with the circular economy?

Consumption in developed countries has accelerated so much in recent decades that the extraction of natural resources has increased tenfold. And today, some are already missing or will be missing soon.
In addition, this way of consuming where we throw a lot, is extremely polluting (we are talking about plastic packaging for example?) Generates a lot of waste.
According to ADEME *, the circular economy can be defined as “an economic system of exchange and production which, at all stages of the life cycle of products (goods and services), aims to increase the efficiency of 'use of resources and reduce the impact on the environment while developing the well-being of individuals ”. Clearly, it is a question of changing the model, by limiting our consumption, by using the least possible resources, by reusing and recycling what can be, by no longer producing in order to quickly throw away … To find out more and become adept on the subject, ADEME has produced a practical guide “The circular economy in 10 questions”.

1. Refuse bags, even for bread!

"We realize that we always go to the same stores and that we buy almost the same things. The number of people who go to buy a baguette or a bread every day and come out with the little bag given to the bakery is huge! Imagine if these people decided to go out with their own fabric bread bag that they could wash regularly in the machine … " reacts Karine Niego, the founder of YesWeGreen *, a platform that organizes workshops for a conscious and pro-active mode of consumption.
Indeed, the production of waste would be much less. Although disposable plastic bags are theoretically no longer distributed, paper and glass waste must also be reduced.

At your level: use a totebag and always have a fabric bag in your handbag to do your small errands. And for big groceries or messy food, wheeled carts or large reusable bags will be your best allies. Packaging is a source of (too) much waste, and it should be borne in mind that the best waste is the one that is not created.

2. Shop in bulk

Less superfluous, more quality … this is one of the tips to adopt to really limit your waste. By choosing to buy more products in bulk you will significantly reduce packaging waste. From now on, we can find products in bulk even in supermarkets. Vegetables and fruits of course, but also rice, pasta, lentils, almonds, cookies, breakfast cereals and even laundry, shampoo … Everything can be bought in bulk.

At your level: just bring its containers, such as your jars or your metal boxes for example (or simply fabric pouches, lighter and less bulky).
Often paper bags are available. No need to throw them away, you can bring them whenever you go shopping.
Opting for bulk consumption is one of the habits to adopt to stop single-use plastic. The anti-waste law for a circular economy, passed in February 2020, plans to reach the end of these single-use plastics by 2040. Other tips, to reduce, reuse and recycle, are available on the website of the #LesBonnesHabitudes campaign.

3. Learn to cook damaged products

"We have lived too long in a world where when there was a small stain on the product or when it was a little wobbly, we threw because we said to ourselves that it was not good. It is false and especially on organic ", says Karine Niego, of YesWeGreen. Why not take an interest in recipes and learn to cook food differently?

At your level: on Marmiton, we give you here some recipes for cooking peelings and you will be amazed! Crisps for aperitifs, pesto of tops, soups, the recipes are numerous. And it works with all foods. An apple that is a few days old can turn into a compote. Otherwise cut it and toast the pieces in a little butter and brown sugar. We don't throw anything away.

Another option: make your compost from your organic waste, your pots and your garden will love it and you will save on fertilizer!

4. Make your household products

"With all the products used for the household, and those put in the furniture (varnish, paint, etc.), the house has become the most polluted place we set foot in", says Karine Niego. But why increase the number of household and DIY products with questionable or even harmful chemical components?

At your level: You just need a spray and not 1,600 products! Marseille soap, baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice are all natural products that no longer need to be proven. For example, nothing like newspaper and hot water to clean your windows! You can also decide to make your household products that you keep in glass containers because they are recyclable.

See also: Easy DIY, how to do your laundry at home?

6 – Recycle your wardrobe

If, like us, you do not wear all the clothes in your wardrobes, there is no question of getting rid of them anyhow! Today, the fashion industry is estimated to be among the top 3 most polluting industries in the world *. So instead of throwing away clothes you no longer wear, there are plenty of possibilities to give them a second life.

At your level: the question to ask yourself is "what can I do with it even if I no longer like this garment?" ". We can customize it or even do upcycling. Refashion, the eco-system that deals with the textile industry is a mine of information to help you better maintain, repair, customize, exchange or donate your clothes, linens, and also your shoes (yes, it's not just leather that is reusable; did you know that the foam from your sneakers can be recycled to make floor coverings?). This site is full of practical advice, and there is even an interactive map of the drop-off points of our belongings that have become less desirable but which remain usable. And the same goes for household linen!

See also: Fashion detox, clearing your wardrobe

7 – Make your own beauty products

The bathroom has many inexpensive products: questionable compositions, multiple packaging, and too often of plastic origin, disposable products such as cotton swabs … But you can really change the situation! The best way to stop being dependent on a brand and to save money is to make your own products using simple, organic, natural ingredients, and above all adapted to your skin.

At your level: and if you are short on time or energy, follow the advice given by ADEME *, which recommends using hygiene products in solid form in order to limit packaging, favor refillable formats and use washable cottons. Small things in the bathroom, big things for the good of humanity! The good plan: trust the labels (such as the European Ecolabel, Ecocert, Cosmebio, etc.). They say a lot about the virtuous nature of products, and make it easy to identify which purchases to favor.

8- Celebrate differently

It's very simple, when waste becomes matter, there is no more waste! This year, there has been a lot of talk about “zero waste Christmas”, looking twice for the choice of decoration or buying second-hand toys for example.
So do not stop there and continue this process for birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day …

At your level: Make the gifts you give, they will only be more valuable! It is possible to capitalize on recovery and offer a pair of earrings made of leather and Nespresso capsules for example. An excellent way to become aware of our overconsumption and the production that this implies.

See also: 24 easy recycling DIY ideas

To find out more and help you reduce your waste, reuse your items and recycle, the lesbonneshabitudes site is full of information and advice.

Smart shopping:

  • I stop the plastic, by Anne Thoumieux, Editions Leduc.s (€ 17 at Fnac): more than a simple guide, this book coaches you to reduce plastic as much as possible (yes, it is possible!). The tone is light, the advice plentiful, and the book is full of contact details for associations and other organizations all over France that can help you. We are a fan!
  • The zero waste bathroom kit, by Greenvea, made of durable and reusable bamboo and fabric objects. Bamboo toothbrushes, washable textile cottons, reusable cotton swabs, a soap bag… To find at Nature & Découvertes, € 34.90.
  • I make my household products, by Laetitia Royant, published by Terre Vivante, € 12 at Decitre. In this very practical and accessible book, the author has compiled recipes that meet three requirements: simplicity, ease, naturalness. Enough to maintain your home and take care of yourself without poisoning yourself or polluting the planet, while saving money.