There are 5 “sleep personalities”, identify yours to sleep better


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The way you sleep says a lot about you and knowing your sleep personality could help you get back to restful sleep. Which sleeper are you?

According to the recommendations of Public Health France, you should sleep at least 7 hours to recover properly. However, some people need more or less sleep. While some require at least 8 hours of sleep to get rested, others may be in good shape after 6 hours of sleeping. In addition to the duration of sleep, each person has their own rhythm of falling asleep: some people fall asleep directly after placing their head on the pillow while others have more difficulty… What is this due to?

An investigation of the National Sleep Foundation indicates that there are five different types of sleep personalities. There is even a quiz that helps you discover this personality. How is each personality calculated? By taking into account your sleeping habits, your age, your professional situation, your gender… Why should you be interested? Because understanding your living situation and your possible sleep problems can help you find solutions to sleep better. However, these categories should be taken with hindsight and a serious sleep disorder should be the subject of a visit to a sleep doctor.

Sleep Personality # 1: “Quiet Nights”

This category includes people who get enough sleep and who therefore do not suffer from fatigue during the day, because they are well reboosted. “People in this group are generally younger, have full-time jobs, and are married or have a partner., according to the study. They also tend to be free from any health problems and often describe themselves as ‘morning’ people “, describes the magazine Health Center.

Sleeping Personality # 2: Seniors

These are adults aged 60 and over. People in this category sleep more. They often take naps during the day and are therefore not very tired during the day, but have at least one health problem. A word of advice: don’t skip the nap, it is good for you.

Sleep personality # 3: workaholics

People in this category are mostly adults living in a couple made up of one or two spouses working more than 40 hours per week. They tend to sleep less because they are early risers. Thus, more than a third of people in this group feel tired at least three days a week. To take care of yourself and your sleep, do not hesitate to disconnect from your work outside of office hours. With peace of mind, you will fall asleep more easily.

Sleeping personality # 4: night owls

People in this category like to live off the beaten path. They work a lot and sleep less than others, because they feel the need less. To keep up with the pace, they take a nap when necessary and abuse caffeine. To love living at night is to accept being out of step with the rest of your loved ones. If your work is suitable, no problem, but if you also have to live during the day it can be complicated. The solution: cut the pear in half and try to make up for your sleep hours by taking a 20-minute afternoon nap.

Sleep Personality # 5: Insomniacs

These are people who suffer from a sleep disorder. They can suffer from conditions like insomnia and are more likely to feel unwell during the day. Sleep disorders are not to be taken lightly. So, if you suffer from it, make an appointment with a general practitioner or a sleep specialist.

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