Baby learns from dad's voice, study finds

/ Company / Company news / Your baby loves his mom's voice, but he learns vocabulary thanks to his dad, according to this study!

It is well known, babies have a clear preference for the voice of their mother, whom they have known well since the period in utero. But did you know that their dad’s voice also played a very important role for them, especially in language learning?

You have often wondered which voice your baby liked the most … That of their mother is obviously the one they have the easiest to listen to, it reassures them and they can even recognize it among many other voices! For their part, the voice of dads is also very important. According to a study by Fudan University in China, published in September 2018, it even plays an essential role in the development of the baby. It is at the level of language learning that the results are significant.

According to the study's author, Menghan Zhang, sounds and pronunciation are more taught by the baby’s mother, while vocabulary is learned by the father.

Concordances with other studies

In 2006, another study was published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. According to her, the impact that dads have on the development of language of babies is greater between the 2 and 3 years of the child. Researchers at the University of North Carolina in the United States filmed parents with their children (several) at home during play time.

The results of these observations suggest that children whose fathers use diversity in their vocabulary benefit from better language development than others. However, the mother’s vocabulary would have no significant effect on the child's language.