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Yvan Attal was a guest in the program “En aparté”, broadcast on Canal +, this Thursday, December 2, 2021. The actor and director returned to his love affair with Charlotte Gainsbourg.

In full promotion of the film Human things, in the cinema since Wednesday, December 1, 2021, Yvan Attal confided in the couple he forms with actress Charlotte Gainsbourg. Guest this Thursday, December 2, 2021 in the show As an aside, on Canal +, the actor and director returned to a false marriage proposal made to his beloved. In 2013, Yvan Attal was awarded the insignia of Knight of the National Order of Merit, in the presence of former Minister Aurélie Filipetti. At the time of making a speech, the actor and director suddenly proposed in marriage Charlotte Gainsbourg, present in the room. “I would obviously like to say to my friends present that I love them, to my family, to my wife who is not my wife (…) so if you want to become my wife”, he said.

Mas, according to him, it was not about a marriage proposal. “I didn’t propose to him, but no! I’ll tell you, I was to be awarded the Order of Merit and I was very honored. They all had a speech and I felt bad. The minister was in. late, so we were offered to drink shots and I had a drink so I was a little drunk. My turn comes when I am given the medal. I say: ‘Thank you my wife … well no, I say my wife, but she is not my wife, because we are not married “. And there, the audience thinks that I propose to her. I did not even understand myself what had just happened to me. I don’t know if it was filmed, but I didn’t ask for it seriously anyway“, he explained in the show As an aside.

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Why Charlotte Gainsbourg refuses to marry Yvan Attal

In 2019, the two lovebirds had already explained this fake improvised marriage proposal. Charlotte Gainsbourg had also confided not wanting to marry her Yvan Attal, with whom she has been in a relationship for 30 years. “I’m very superstitious, I never wanted to get married, I don’t want to get married. We’ve been together for 28 years, it’s best to leave things as they are”, she had declared.

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