a new unprecedented rule unveiled


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With new rules unveiled, the next season of Koh-Lanta entitled Le Totem Maudit promises to be full of surprises.

On February 22, 2022 at 9:10 p.m., Koh-Lanta is making a comeback on TF1 antennas. After an All Stars season marred by rumors of cheating, the adventure program returns this time with 24 anonymous candidates. Unlike the two previous editions which were filmed in Tahiti, it is on the island of Palawan in the Philippines in Southeast Asia that we will find these 24 candidates aged 20 to 52 years old. Coming from the four corners of the world, these 12 men and 12 women who left everything to live the experience of their lives will see their adventure punctuated by a novelty: the cursed totem! As TF1 announced in a press release, this year there will not be one but two totems. An unexpected rule, which “will shake up the destinies of the 24 Robinson apprentices who have decided to compete with each other.”

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What is the new Koh Lanta rule?

As usual, the show tries to innovate with new concepts that destabilize both candidates and viewers. This year is no exception to the rule as a new totem appears. “It’s unheard of in Koh-Lanta: there will not be one, but 2 totems: the immunity totem which protects the winners and the Cursed Totem and its curses”, can we read in the press release. Other information related by Tele-Leisure after almost 3 years of absence, the mythical tasting event should make its big comeback. So much good news that should make viewers want to watch Koh-Lanta even at the start of the week since the show airs on Tuesdays instead of Fridays.

Aaricia Silvestre

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