Advice from mom that will make our life easier

In some situations we just need a second opinion. And whose tips are more helpful than those from our mom? Because, as is well known, she is always right …

Mama knows best. A saying that we have probably all heard before and – in 90 percent of the cases – can definitely confirm it. But why is that even so? Coincidence? Determination? A secret mothers law?

The fact is: mom is always right

No matter whether it's lovesickness, stress in the office, red wine stains on the couch or just dinner – our mothers have the perfect advice for almost every situation in life. Of course, that doesn't come from anywhere. Just like us, our mothers were children and probably made the same mistakes. And that's just as well. Otherwise we couldn't do better today (with your advice).

At the time, we still thought that cloth shoes in the rain were a good idea or that the first lovesickness would kill us. If we haven't listened to mom's advice, it usually quickly becomes noticeable. Either with wet feet or other (felt) disasters. After all, one should learn from mistakes …


“Amourette” has been recommended for generations

© Triumph

You can rely on this support

We are particularly aware at Christmas that sharing is fun. We bake cookies according to grandma's recipes, the decorated tree brings back childhood memories, and we have also taken over the process of giving presents from the parents. Why should we want to change something so beautiful? Ultimately, these traditions give us security and stability. Just like the good advice that mothers have to hand in every situation. But what if mom wants to share her personal lingerie secret with you? Then you should listen carefully, because she will surely give you the "Amourette bra from Triumph to your heart or maybe even under the Christmas tree. Women have long relied on his support in everyday life. Don't worry about the fact that you might be wearing the same underwear as your mother – the timeless, seductive design and the perfect fit of the bra are intended for women of all ages. Because style is not a question of generation.

Afterwards you are always smarter

It doesn't even matter how old we are. There is advice from our mothers that we will never forget. Even if we disregard them every now and then. Hand on heart: we are guaranteed to have all left the house without a jacket and have heard our mother warned in the back of our heads. Sorry mom! In retrospect, she was always right – even if we might not want to see this here.

If you have children yourself, you will probably also think about the advice of your own mother and maybe even pass it on. After all, they have almost always proven themselves. And so we continue this beautiful tradition and everyone at some point asks "Why is mom always right?" Well, now you know …