After a storm – a landslide in Glarus tears several houses away – News

  • In the late afternoon, a landslide carried away or destroyed half a dozen buildings above the Glarner community of Schwanden.
  • More earth masses pushed in around 7:30 p.m. The slumped mass extends over a length of 400 meters in the direction of the Sernf river.
  • According to the Glarus canton police, there were no injuries.

At the moment, no information can be given about the amount of damage to property, the cantonal police wrote in a statement. The fire brigade, canton police and civil defense evacuated the area around the landslide. It’s around 100 people.

These people could “not return to their homes overnight,” Richard Schmidt, media spokesman for the Glarus canton police, told Radio SRF. A gymnasium and catering are available for these people, and further accommodation options are being sought.

There are always slips and the situation is unstable. “The specialists on site are currently checking how great the risk is. It will be a challenge to be able to keep the slide in check so that no parts of it get into the river.” If that happens, there is a risk of flooding, Schmidt explained.

A week ago, a landslide with 10,500 cubic meters of rock and loose rock buried a road near Schwanden. Residents of five households had to be evacuated. As the situation worsened with the weekend’s rains and softened soil, authorities were alarmed of renewed declines.

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