After Zrke Festival – the number of infected returnees from Pag rose to 74

In connection with the “Austria goes Zrce” festival in Croatia, a total of 74 returnees have tested positive for Covid-19 so far.

The number of those returning to the Zrke Festival on the Croatian island of Pag who tested positive continues to rise. According to the regional crisis team, 74 participants from Upper Austria were already Corona-positive on Friday. The contact person management and the surveys are intensively in progress. Across Austria, more than 300 festival visitors are said to have been proven to have been infected with Corona.

14 infected after X-Jam high school graduation trip
In the case of the accumulation of cases in connection with the X-Jam Matura trip, a total of 14 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the meantime.