Alcohol, lawn & Co. – In these top holiday countries, there are high penalties

In popular holiday countries, drivers and motorcyclists face significantly higher penalties for speeding compared to Austria. But there are also severe fines for using the phone while driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. Ignoring traffic tickets received abroad is not doing themselves any favours.

Exceeding the speed by 20 km/h costs at least 180 euros in Switzerland, from 175 euros in Italy and at least 135 euros in France. In Austria, on the other hand, speed offenders can get away with as little as 30 euros. For this speeding, the penalty in Spain is more than three times as much at more than 100 euros. In Greece there is also a fixed amount of 100 euros. In Hungary (from 80 euros), Croatia and Germany (each from 60 euros) at least twice the lower penalty range in Austria with 30 euros must be paid. In comparison, the penalty for exceeding the speed limit of 20 km/h in Slovakia is at least 35 euros, similarly low as in Austria, while in Slovenia it is from 40 euros and in the Czech Republic it is definitely 45 euros.if(!apaResc)var apaResc=function(a)var e=window.addEventListener?”addEventListener”:”attachEvent”,t,n;(0,window[e])(“attachEvent”==e?”onmessage”:”message”,function(e)if([a]) for(var t=document.getElementsByClassName(a),n=0;n!=t.length;n++) t[n][a]+”px”,!1); apaResc(“apa-0979-23”);At 50 km/h too much, the penalties and minimum heights diverge more clearly. While in such a case of frenzy in Hungary, for example, you have to pay from 160 euros, in Italy it is already at least 545 euros, in Spain from 600 euros and in Slovenia from 1200 euros. In Switzerland, depending on income, daily rates of 60 or more must be paid, in Croatia it is up to 2,650 euros and in Austria a maximum of 5,000 euros. Telephoning while driving can be expensive red traffic light or illegal parking abroad. “Driving under the influence of alcohol can have drastic consequences,” emphasizes Verena Pronebner, ÖAMTC lawyer. “In Italy, if the driver’s alcohol content is at least 1.5 per mil, the vehicle will even be confiscated – provided the driver and owner are the same.” In Spain, 1.2 per mil imprisonment threatens three months save countries. “If an infringement has occurred, the best way to get away with it is to pay the fine on the spot or transfer it as soon as possible,” Pronebner informs. In any case, foreign speeding tickets should “under no circumstances be ignored” due to the exchange of owner data within the EU. HERE you will find the catalog of penalties.
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