“An absolute priority”, the extension of the period of abortion put back at the heart of the debate


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Claimed by many feminist associations and by certain deputies, the deadline for abortion is again discussed in the hemicycle of the National Assembly

Will the term of abortion be extended? This Wednesday, September 8, several deputies including Albane Gaillot put their bill on abortion back on the agenda. They demand the extension of the legal period of access to the voluntary termination of pregnancy to 14 weeks instead of 12 currently. They – they recalled that it was “Of absolute priority”. Their text also provides for removing the conscience clause for doctors who refuse to perform abortions.

After lively debates during the various readings at the National Assembly, the Senate rejected the text in early 2021. The reason given? “Preserving the balance of the Veil law”. Several groups in the medical profession have also been reluctant on the issue. Arguments contradicted by the National Consultative Ethics Committee, which does not see “No ethical objection” not to extend the period to 14 weeks of pregnancy, as they mentioned. This committee explains, however, that it disagrees with the removal of the conscience clause.

A demonstration scheduled for September 25 to defend the right to abortion

Faced with all these sometimes agitated exchanges, the government of Emmanuel Macron decided to stop this bill, judging it “Too controversial”. At the beginning of July, the President of the Republic said in an interview for the magazine She that he was not in favor, angering all defenders of this right. By relaunching the debate, MP Albane Gaillot asks for a new rereading of the text by the end of the year. “Several thousand women Partenet each year abroad to have an abortion because the deadlines in France are too short. We cannot let this situation continue”, said the MP.

While some countries are making considerable progress on the issue, such as Mexico which has just decriminalized it, others are backing down like the state of Texas which has just banned it. By adopting this bill, France could continue its progress in favor of this women’s right obtained on January 17, 1975 with the Veil law. Before knowing what will happen, feminist associations have let it be known that they are organizing a demonstration on September 25, to demand “full and complete access for women” to abortion.

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