An American married… the color pink!

In Las Vegas, Kitten Kay Sera, has decided to marry “her only and true love”, the color pink.

In recent years, so-called “objectophile” marriages, based on a sexual or romantic attraction to an object, have multiplied: in 2020, Rain Gordon married a briefcase unearthed in a hardware store in Russia, a Korean married a manga cushion, a Chinese married a robot, an Australian fell in love with a French bridge and in 2007, an American, Erika LaBrie, married the Eiffel Tower in a highly publicized ceremony. A pioneer of this trend, this former soldier, now nicknamed Erika Eiffel, even founded OS Internationale (Objectum Sexuality Internationale), an association supporting people sexually attracted to inanimate objects, which campaigns, among other fights, for legal recognition of these unconventional unions.

I consider myself a flamingo in a world of pigeons

But a resident of Las Vegas has just taken a new step by declaring her love no longer for an object but for a color, pink. Kitten Kay Sera, 52, who has been living in a free union with pink for more than 40 years, decided to formalize this relationship on January 1. Of course, there was no question of a wedding in white during this ceremony where outfits, guests, limousines, champagne, cakes, reception hall and small dogs sported the chosen color of his heart. “I consider myself a pink flamingo in a world of pigeons,” says this actress who brushes aside mockery and gossip: “Life is too short not to do what you love. Have fun!” Probably the best way to avoid moping.

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