Angela Merkel: She had to master all of these crises during her term of office

Angela Merkel
She had to master all of these crises during her term of office

Angela Merkel was Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany for four legislative terms.


After 16 years as Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel is now being replaced by Olaf Scholz. During her tenure, she was often in demand as a crisis manager and compromise finder.

Many citizens of Germany, especially younger generations, can no longer consciously remember a time when Angela Merkel was not in office as Federal Chancellor: she was the political leader of the Federal Republic for 16 years and had to face numerous crises which often developed unexpectedly quickly.

Angela Merkel: Top form in times of crisis

Now Olaf Scholz is taking over the office of Federal Chancellor – and Angela Merkel has her life and everyday life at her disposal again for the first time in many years. It is rumored here and there that she might return to Hamburg. You can find out what speaks for it and what your potential neighbors think about the outgoing Chancellor in the RTL video.

Source used:

pkl / heh

source site-36