Apex Legends: When Fuse benefits from a very long range wallhack with his ultimate …

One of the recent novelties discovered by the community may seem anecdotal since it is now common as Fuse’s ultimate, “Jackpot“, reveals the enemies in the vicinity in Apex Legends. Certainly, nevertheless some players, and in particular the Youtuber Skeptation who revealed the trick in a video, have discovered a new technique allowing to exploit this “wallhack” in order to greatly increase its range and allow Fuse to see his enemies over distances bordering on absurdity!

The idea may seem like a smile at first, yet have you ever tried new absurd techniques by combining some of your techniques with your equipment? This is what some players have tried, including Skeptation, with the Jackpot de Fuse and the result is devastating to say the least.

The idea is simple:

  • Throw a grenade far above you
  • Pull your Jackpot towards that grenade, in the air
  • Admire around you

The result of this simple maneuver is that all of your enemies in an absolutely huge radius are revealed by Fuse’s ultimate. The explosion of the grenade disperses the flames of the Jackpot, allowing the allied team to see absolutely all the enemies present in a rather extremely large area, too much even some would say.

Of course, by doing this the damage-inflicting component of this ultimate doesn’t really matter anymore since the flames aren’t a problem for many people once dispersed. However, knowing what the surrounding teams are doing will often prove to be much more useful than “some” damage … It will all depend on the situation!

In response to his video, in the comments, Skeptation also explains that the exploitation of this mechanism may require a learning period before being properly mastered. It details in particular that the ultimate must be sent precisely in the same direction as that of the grenade, and that the sight must turn green before launching. Jackpototherwise the synergy will not work.

There is no doubt that this new little strategy will motivate some smart kids to play Fuse more …!

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