Applied kinesiology is an alternative medical diagnostic and treatment method in which disorders and imbalances in the body’s energy flow can be detected and corrected. A muscle test should provide information about possible confounding factors or the causes of diseases and complaints.
The American chiropractor George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology (abbreviation AK) in the 1960s. Goodheart believed that mental stress, disturbances in the energy flow of the body and diseases in the muscular force are reflected by weakening them. Kinesiology as a diagnostic and therapeutic method also refers to the doctrine of the meridians, the energy pathways, which is known from Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ).
By directly responding with a muscle test, the kinesiologist not only wants to make a diagnosis, but also to find the appropriate therapy. The goal of kinesiology is to eliminate disturbances in the flow of energy and to increase well-being.
What kinesiology is used for
Physicians practicing applied kinesiology see the procedure as a holistic examination and therapy method, triggering recurring illnesses and complaints. The causes of this are often found in completely different parts of the body than where symptoms occur.
Such complaints and illnesses are for example:
- chronic joint complaints, these can be caused for example by foot deformities, dental problems and tooth misalignments
- Back pain – possible causes include surgical scars, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, deformities in the temporomandibular joint,
- chronic infections caused by food intolerance, dental problems, inoculation scars
- indigestion
- chronic fatigue
- a headache
In addition, kinesiologists use the method to diagnose allergies and (food) intolerances and thus to identify foci, interference fields, scars , toxic loads and reveal key emotional conflicts. It is just a pain-free muscle test , sometimes combined with body surveys, required.
From time to time, kinesiology developed other methods such as the Touch for Health Method, Edu Kinestetik or Brain-Gym for Children. For some years kinesiology has also been used in psychotherapeutic and economic areas, for example.
The muscle test at the kinesiologist
The most important method in applied kinesiology is the muscle test, with which a direct feedback of the body is to be recognized. The test is not painful and is carried out without technical or technical aids. It serves the kinesiologist both for the diagnosis and for the selection of suitable preparations for therapy.
In the muscle test, the kinesiologist examines the resistance of certain muscles as he touches various parts of the body, or the client holds various objects in his hand whose influence on the body the therapist wants to examine.
This is how the muscle test works
During the session, the kinesiologist asks for either an arm or a leg to reach forward. He then presses against it while at the same time placing his other hand on the region of the body whose health status he wishes to examine. If the client can withstand the pressure on the arm or the leg, this means according to kinesiological muscle test, that the appropriate organ is healthy. Give arm or leg to the pressure, it means that the organ is sick.
Detect allergies with muscle test
In addition, the kinesiologist also checks whether certain foods tolerate or are not tolerated. He gives the patient the appropriate substance in the hand. If the arm can be lifted and held steady, this indicates that the substance is well tolerated. If the arm yields with the food in hand, the kinesiologist assumes that the corresponding food will not be tolerated. In addition, kinesiologists often ask direct questions about their state of health and check the muscle response of different muscle groups.
Selection of remedies with muscle test
The muscle test is also used to select the appropriate treatment methods. At the same time the kinesiologist gives the client various preparations and examines the response of the muscles. On the basis of this answer, he wants to know whether the preparation is the right treatment: If the arm can be held, the preparation is suitable. Often he also asks questions about different treatment methods and examines the muscle reaction in different places.
As a rule, the kinesiologist tests and prescribes only natural remedies or homeopathic preparations. The treatment is supplemented by special massages and touches, gymnastic or mental exercises. These are supposed to release energy blockages in the body.
Other methods of kinesiology
Touch for Health
Based on kinesiology, the American John Thie developed the Touch for Health method in the 1970s .
Touch for Health means “health through touch”. The method involves so-called meridians. The term meridian comes from Chinese and means “energy channel”. Touch for Health users assign a specific meridian to each muscle. By excreting or pressure on individual muscles – or meridians – is trying to solve energy blockages and thus positively influence the health.
Kinesiology for children
Kinesiology is also used in children. Kinesiologists use the two methods Edu-Kinestetik and Brain-Gym . Among other things, these methods should help to eliminate learning difficulties.
In these procedures, the work of the two halves of the brain of the child to be balanced by various gymnastic and mental exercises. The goal is to improve the learning ability of your child. The two methods were justified by the American Paul Dennison. At some schools, teachers apply Edu Kinestetik and Brain-Gym in the classroom.
Who offers applied kinesiology?
The applied kinesiology is practiced by medical doctors, alternative practitioners, physiotherapists, but is also offered by medical laymen.
The German Society for Applied Kinesiology (DGAK) has set quality criteria for a three-year training, with which one may call themselves “accompanying kinesiologist”. Courses at such institutes usually take three years.
Anyone who has already completed medical or therapeutic training can obtain the additional title “Medical Therapeutic Kinesiologist”. At least 150 hours in kinesiological courses, an advanced course and various exams must be proven. With these training courses one wants to distinguish oneself above all from lay therapists , because “kinesiologist” and “Kinesiologie” are not protected designations.