Aries: do you really know this sign? Take the test! : Current Woman The MAG

Info or intox: discover the character of Aries

We say of you that you do not take into account the opinions of those around you and want to have the last word. Rumor has it that you impose your guidelines by forgetting to congratulate those who have followed them and who have achieved successful results.

INFO. The Aries has no time to waste. at work, you always go to the essentials. If you are neglecting those around you, it is because you are already on another project. The info is more nuanced in love. It is believed that you don’t listen, but your actions prove that you are capable of following your spouse's recommendations to the letter. To learn more about the character of Aries, discover his psychological profile.

Aries man or woman: how does he behave with those around him?

It is said that you know what is good for your loved ones and you decide for them. Based on your opinion and not according to their wishes. Like choosing clothes for your spouse or determining the school direction of your children.

INFO. What was the last gift you gave to a loved one? Did you choose it based on its taste and personality, or did you buy it because you liked it first? You smile ? We agree, that's good news. To better understand Aries, our astrologer analyzed his behavior with those close to him.

All about the Aries in love

It seems that you have a little trouble expressing your feelings. You have an artichoke heart and can be broken on a whim.

PROPAGANDA. Your romantic past is rich in stories that are as brief as they are passionate. If it takes you a while to find that rare gem, you will remain loyal to him once you have chosen to live with him. Want to know more ? Discover the profile of the Aries in love.

Read also :

⋙ Aries: the influence of the 4 seasons on this sign of spring

⋙ Love compatibility: which astrological signs for Aries?

⋙ Sign of Aries: what your decan and your day of birth reveal