At the LKH Leoben – excitement about doctors’ containers: solution in sight

There are containers for doctors in the LKH Leoben: According to a “Krone” report, the clinic management promises the rapid creation of new office rooms. However, a round table on emergency care in Graz on Friday yielded little concrete information.

The fear held by many that the restructuring measures presented in June at Styrian hospitals were not thought through in every respect has now come true. There is a huge crunch, especially around the LKH Hochsteiermark with its locations in Bruck, Leoben and Mürzzuschlag. Lack of space as a cause Our recent report about containers on the hospital grounds in Leoben caused people to shake their heads. Due to a lack of space, exactly those new doctors and nurses who now have to commute to their work due to the relocation of some departments from Bruck to Leoben were accommodated there. Erich Schaflinger, the medical director of the LKH Hochsteiermark, promised that a solution was within reach Friday: “I was assured today that new premises will be available for the new staff by the week after next at the latest.” Acute need for discussion After the Red Cross also criticized the supply crisis in Upper Styria at the beginning of the week (as reported, among other things, a 100- year olds turned away from three hospitals), there was a crisis meeting in Graz on Friday. Result? On the one hand, Kages and the Red Cross are already busy “processing the four known individual cases in the Bruck area” – it was said afterwards from the office of ÖVP State Health Councilor Juliane Bogner-Strauß. On the other hand, the introduction of “central initial outpatient clinics” will relieve the burden on the rescue service.
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