Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key will finally be a month late


With the release jam brewing for the month of February, it was to be expected that one or more studios would revise their plans for their upcoming games. Bad news for those who were impatiently waiting to discover the end of the trilogy Ryza Workshopbecause Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key will not be released on February 24 as plannedeven if its postponement is ultimately not that important.

Some last minute adjustments to make

In a letter from the producer Junzo Hosoiwhom we had recently been able to interview about this third opus, we learn that Atelier Ryza 3 will only be released on March 24, 2023, a short one-month postponement.

The reasons given are those we are used to hearing about at each report, namely a need for refinement concerning a few elements, in particular because of the slightly more open aspect of this suite which seems to pose some concerns to the ‘team. Let’s hope that this delay is enough to correct the problems identified at the last moment, but what is certain is that the game will have a little more freedom at the end of March to make people talk about it rather than in the middle of February.

Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End and the Secret Key will be available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.


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