Attention, the Bodygoal dietary supplement is prohibited for sale

The ANSM has announced the suspension of the marketing of the dietary supplement Bodygoal, from Bodysherry, due to its risky adverse effects.

Stop buying the Bodygoal dietary supplement, from the Bodysherry brand, which was previously available for purchase on the Internet. And, if you already had it in your medicine cabinet, don’t consume it. The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) has just suspended its marketing.

In question, a health policy decision taken in August 2022 because of the dangerousness of the product. The ANSM announced it in a post on August 24.

The risks of sibutramine

The ANSM was warned, by an Anti-Poison and Toxicovigilence Center, of undesirable and very problematic side effects in someone who had consumed the supplement, which triggered an investigation. Among the effects reported: abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, anxiety attacks, dizziness, hallucination.

Do not consume supplements from this brand. // Source: Pexels

The investigation revealed that the capsules contain subitramine. This has proven to be dangerous. It was initially marketed in France, as a treatment against obesity, between 2001 and 2010. But the adverse effects have accumulated, sometimes with cardiovascular consequences. The benefit/risk ratio, which defines the authorization or not of a pharmaceutical product, leaned more than clearly against the compound. Its manufacture as well as its placing on the market in France have been totally prohibited since 2010. No more medicine currently sold is supposed to contain it.

The dietary supplement Bodygoal was also touted as part of a “slimming cure”, supposed to lose 7 to 10 kilos per month using these capsules. Anyway, because of the risks, this product should be banned.

The ANSM also takes the opportunity to make a reminder of the first importance as to the need to choose the purchasing circuit for this type of product carefully, that is to say to exclusively favor pharmacies: “ We remind you that only the circuit of community pharmacies and their websites authorized for the online sale of medicines, regularly checked by the health authorities, provide guarantees on the quality, effectiveness and safety of the medicines purchased. It is therefore strongly advised not to buy medicines outside pharmacies or their websites authorized for the online sale of medicines. »

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