Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 kicks off tonight, with often crazy speedruns

Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 kicks off tonight, with often crazy speedruns


Robin “Raiden Robin” Bouquet

AGDQ2022 is a week-long event involving dozens of streamers and speedrunners ready to perform at times highly improbable, like ending Sekiro blindfolded, all for charity.

The big annual speedrunning event takes place from tonight, Sunday January 9 at 5.30 p.m., until next Sunday at 6 a.m.. the program is bursting with speedruns of all kinds, and there’s a good chance that many of the games listed are familiar to you, which helps make the performance all the more impressive. There are retro gaming, first person shooters, platform games, Souls, co-op games, puzzles like Tetris, and many more. The majority of speedruns just aim to reach the end as quickly as possible, but others impose additional constraints on themselves, such as doing all the bosses, collecting all the items, or as listed above, completing a notoriously difficult game while blindfolded. . We don’t know how he’s going to pull off that performance, and there’s no doubt it makes you want to take a look and find out.

You can follow all this on the GamesDoneQuick Twitch channel, or in the form of VoD on Youtube a bit later.

Techland continues to communicate on Dying Light 2 Stay Human, whose release is near. The studio now details the lifespan of the game, with on the one hand the time required to do everything, and on the other, the length of the main campaign and side quests.

This second project would be based on the technical demo The Dark Sorcerer, a short film dating from 2013, produced before Detroit: Become Human, at the time of the PS4 for Sony. More humorous, this video mixed fantasy and staging.

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