Axel Milberg: These celebrities have taken in refugees from the Ukraine

Axel Milberg
These celebrities have taken in Ukraine refugees

Axel Milberg, Vicky Leandros, Ursula Karven (right) have taken in refugees.

© imago/Horst Galuschka / imago/APress / face to face/ImageCollect

Numerous celebrities are currently helping to offer refugees from Ukraine a roof over their heads, at least temporarily.

According to the UN, the war in Ukraine has already forced at least 1.7 million people to flee. In Germany, the willingness to help is great, including among celebrities. Numerous stars organize sleeping quarters for refugees – or even take them in.

Ursula Karven (57) has reported to the “German School” in Kyiv as an emergency shelter. At a premiere she told “RTL” Yesterday Thursday: “I’m in the process of taking in a family, I’m in the middle of it. They’ll probably arrive tomorrow or the day after.” At the time of the conversation, the two mothers and their children were trying to cross the border. “It’s looking good so far,” said Karven.

Hit star Vicky Leandros (69) announced facebook and instagram, that she and her daughter will open the Gut Basthorst family business to refugees. Two mothers with five children are expected to arrive there this week, the singer announced.

Pop singer Anni Perka (33) also plucked up heart and made her guest apartment available to a refugee family. On Facebook she shared the information on March 1 that she wanted to make her furnished two-room apartment on the top floor in Landshut available to a Ukrainian refugee family free of charge. Live now there according to “” a mother with two children, aunt and grandma.

Maschmeyer rents a hotel

Carsten Maschmeyer (62) and his wife Veronica Ferres (56) took the initiative on a larger scale: They rented an entire hotel in Hoyerswerda, which has 80 rooms with 160 beds, a kitchen and conference rooms. in the Interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Germany” said Maschmeyer: “These people had to do without their belongings and leave their homeland. It’s a small ray of hope, but perhaps a comforting sign of welcome.” The hotel has been rented for several months, with an option to extend.

Ballermann star Ikke Hipgold (45) has also made headlines with his commitment: With his newly founded organization “Summerfield Kids Foundation” he has already brought several buses with refugees to Germany. In total, he wants to bring 500 people to safety before the war. The “picture” he said: “Privately, we will of course also make our premises available. If we cannot accommodate everyone directly, there will be additional accommodation options for around 40 people in our newly built company. We all have to be there for our neighbors now!”

The Milbergs take in a family of nine – and six dogs

Actor Axel Milberg (65) has a family of nine with six dogs in his house. His wife Judith Milberg (60) posted Instagram a photo of the family, the three Yorkshire terriers and their three puppies. According to Milberg, they came to Munich in an “adventurous and life-threatening” escape. “The family is severely traumatized and needs special care as Ivan is a boy with disabilities, confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak.” In the post, Milberg not only thanks her neighbors, doctors and pharmacists for their help, but also her son Julius, who would have addressed the family: “Thank you for doing the right thing with so much empathy and heart!”

Cathy Hummels (34) announced in her Instagram story that she would open her door to orphans. She wants to set a good example. She wrote: “I stand up for those who can’t do anything about this war and don’t even have parents to protect them…”

Some celebrities only mention their willingness to help in subordinate clauses: Amira Pocher (29), for example, drew attention to an organization in her Instagram stories where people with living space can register to take in refugees. She wrote: “Great thing !! Just saw it and registered directly.”

And the “Club of the Red Ribbons” actor Timur Bartels (26) interpreted in a new recipe post four days agothat he recently had roommates from the Ukraine – an older couple that he has taken in with him.


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