Bad surprise: After three years of marriage, couple discovers that they are related

Bad surprise
After three years of marriage, couple discovers they are related

Bad surprise: Tylee and Nick are related.

They didn’t expect this shock: Nick and Tylee Waters say on TikTok that after a long relationship they found out that they come from the same family.

What happened?

A strange story: Tylee and Nick Waters from Utah have been married for three years and thought they had found the love of their lives. Now they’ve discovered they’re more than just spouses: they’re cousins. A viral TikTok video of them playing Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama” and kissing has already racked up 5.7 million views.

How unpleasant. How did they find out so late?

The details are still unclear. However, the couple revealed that they share their birthday on the same day and have often been told they look alike. How exactly they discovered their familial relationship remains unexplained.

And now? Next stop, divorce lawyer?

No, the couple has no plans to separate despite the realization. They seem to shrug off their unusual situation, as evidenced by the “I wish I was joking” comment in the video.

Something like that definitely gets a lot of comments on TikTok, right?

However. Reactions range from stunned to amused. One user commented: “What’s here, Alabama?” Many demand more information – or doubt whether the story is even true.

What an absurd special case

Apparently something like this isn’t as rare as you think: Another user commented that he and his wife only found out that they were distant relatives after three years of marriage and one child. Another woman even reported that she had been married to her husband for 33 years and had just found out that they were distant cousins. Another couple from Utah reported that they are third cousins. They found out when they were looking for baby names and noticed that their grandparents have the same first and last names. It actually seems to be a greater risk than one would think with large, widely dispersed families.

This is…disturbing.

Even if a marriage with one’s own cousin is legally legal, it remains a taboo subject and can have not only moral concerns but also health consequences. One angry comment read: “This is disgusting…we will not normalize incestuous relationships…you both need therapy.”

This all sounds incredible.

A comforting thought: Of course, it could also be that the two of them just made it up for TikTok reach, as many people suspect in the comments. Although you would probably think of a more glamorous fake life than marrying your cousin, right?

So how are Tylee and Nick doing now?

The couple has not yet revealed any further details. Whether they decide to seek therapy or continue their relationship as is remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure: they definitely caused a lot of conversation. In the video you can see the moment they announced their complicated family status.

Sources used:, Daily Mail, TikTok


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