Banned Baby Names: Unusual first names rejected by the registry office

Weird Baby Names
These children’s names were rejected by the registry office

Funny baby names: Not every idea from the parents is accepted by the registry offices.


Expectant parents in Germany can choose between 500,000 names. Nevertheless, there are some first names that are too unusual even for the registry office and are rejected.

When children are announced, the parents-to-be have many decisions to make: What color should the children’s room be painted in, which stroller is the best and, of course, what should the baby’s name be?

Weird Baby Names: Knirpsi, Grand Duke or Chaotica?

The parents-to-be in Germany have a huge choice between classic and unusual first names. And yet the registry office has to reject some of the parents’ name ideas every year. We show you the most unusual ones in the video.

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