Barbaque by Fabrice Eboué: is the German title going too far?

The trash comedy “Barbaque” by Fabrice Eboué, released in French cinemas last year, will be available in Germany at the end of the month. With a title that could well be controversial.

Released in French cinemas last year, Fabrice Eboué’s comedy Barbaque will be available in Germany on May 27 on DVD and Blu-ray (and streaming from the 19th). The feature film, which tells the story of a couple of butchers killing vegans to make ham and sell it in their shop, will be distributed across the Rhine with a title much more provocative than in France.

In Germany, the film carried by Fabrice Eboué and Marina Foïs will be released under the name Veganer schmecken besser – erst killen, dann grillen! A title that could be translated as Vegans taste better – kill first, then grill! Is it going too far? Your turn to judge !

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