Be careful with the mandatory check of the gas heater: This small mistake will be very expensive

If you own a gas heater, you have been obliged since October 1, 2022 to have a heater check carried out in order to reduce gas consumption. The check doesn’t actually cost much. But there is a cost trap if you agree to an optional additional service that you do not actually have to carry out.

Mandatory check of the gas heating with cost trap

Millions of people are required to have a heating check done by September 30, 2024. This should ensure that the gas heating is optimally adjusted and consumes less gas. Depending on the gas heating, the costs are between 100 and 150 euros. The prices can vary a little depending on the region and the route. During the heating check, measurements are taken and settings made that only a heating technician can carry out. But when it comes to the question of hydraulic balancing, you should prick up your ears. Because that is often not mandatory and costs a lot of money.

In the case of a hydraulic balancing of the gas heating, the procedure is much more extensive and it is checked exactly how much power is required to supply each radiator with heat evenly. This process is very time-consuming and therefore costs significantly more. here costs of around 900 euros are to be expected (Source: Focus). Hydraulic balancing is only mandatory for large apartment buildings.

To save electricity costs, you can use a balcony power plant:

Obligatory check of the gas heating is worthwhile

If you make sure that no additional costs are incurred, then the mandatory check of the gas heating is worthwhile for you. The heating is optimally adjusted and you will probably get further tips on how to save even more gas when heating. The check takes about an hour and can also be carried out together with maintenance. This saves you travel costs. Have everything explained to you in detail and ask for each additional task whether this has to be done and whether it will incur additional costs. In the end, you can be sure that you will not fall into any cost traps and only have what is really necessary done.

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